Consumer Federation of America News

TRIA Debate Heats Up with Charge ‘Nervous Nelly’ P/C Insurers Enjoy $7B ‘Subsidy’

A consumer advocacy group says the property/casualty insurance industry has been getting a sweet deal worth about $7 billion as a result of the federal government’s program to help pay terrorism insurance claims after private insurance is exhausted. An industry …

Insurers Say Latest CFA Study Is Flawed; Marketplace Is Highly Competitive

The new auto insurance pricing study from the Consumer Federation of America (CFA) is getting roundly criticized by insurance industry representatives. The representatives say that states’ auto insurance marketplaces are highly competitive, with most drivers having dozens of auto insurers …

CFA Report: Largest Auto Insurers Often Charge Higher Premiums to Safe Drivers

In its latest report on auto insurance premiums charged by the largest auto insurers, the Consumer Federation of America said these insurers frequently charge higher premiums to safe drivers than to those who recently caused an accident. In two-thirds of …

Group Warns ACC Clauses Might Apply in Devastating Breezy Point Fire

When Superstorm Sandy battered the East Coast with high winds and a massive storm surge, 111 homes in the Queens, New York, neighborhood of Breezy Point were destroyed by a fast-spreading fire. This week, the Consumer Federation of America (CFA), …

Controversy Over Hurricane Deductibles May Just Be Beginning

When the National Hurricane Center declared Sandy a “post-tropical storm” just before it made landfall, a lot of homeowners across New Jersey, New York, Connecticut and Maryland may have saved a lot of money. The governors of these states have …

Drivers Disapprove of Non-Driving Insurance Factors, Says Consumer Group

Rates for Good Drivers in Cities Too High, Too Variable, Says Consumer Group

The Consumer Federation of America (CFA) says that most good drivers — those with no accidents or moving violations — who live in moderate-income areas in 15 cities are being quoted what the group maintains are high auto insurance rates …

Consumer Group Says Auto Insurers ‘Lowball’ Injury Payments with Computerized Systems

A report by the Consumer Federation of America (CFA) raises concerns that computerized claims systems used by many of the nation’s largest auto insurance companies can be easily adjusted to make “lowball” claims payments to injured motorists. The group said …

Group Urges N.Y. to Overhaul Regulation of Force-Placed Insurance

The Consumer Federation of America (CFA), a Washington, D.C.-based consumer advocacy group, today called on New York regulators to become a national leader in overhauling regulation of force-placed insurance (FPI) for homeowners. New York Financial Services Department is holding a …

Severe Weather Has Home Insurers Rethinking Coverages

As weather disasters strike with more frequency, U.S. homeowners first get hit with the destruction or total loss of property. Many are then hit with the unexpected loss of homeowners insurance policies as insurance companies re-evaluate their financial liabilities. After …