Consumer Watchdog News

California Legislator Calls for Hearing on Intervenor Fees

State Sen. Juan Vargas, D-San Diego, has become the latest person to question intervenor fees, calling on the California Department of Insurance to review a state program that allows consumer groups to intervene in insurance rate cases. According to Vargas, …

Calif. Commissioner Jones Gets ‘D’ From Insurance Industry

The insurance industry has mixed feelings about California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones, assessing him as average or below average in a handful of categories. In a poll conducted by Insurance Journal, industry respondents gave Jones an overall grade of “D,” …

Auto Insurance Discount Initiative May be Gaining Bipartisan Endorsement

The backers of an automobile insurance persistency initiative are making steps to gain bi-partisan support for their proposition, which is slated for California’s Nov. 6 ballot and a possible showdown with what would be a competing initiative. Just days after …

Creator of Consumer Watchdog Attack Site Says More Attacks to Come

The owner of a website that launched an attack last week against a consumer group that often does battle with the insurance industry is now calling the attacks and information he put on the site “just the tip of the …

Website Attacks Consumer Watchdog

A website attacking a consumer group that often does battle with the insurance industry was launched on Friday, setting off more sparks in a roiling battle between proponents of two competing measures that Californians may see go head-to-head on the …

Lawsuit: Payment Denied For Seniors’ Home Care

A lawsuit contends that a health insurer ran a scheme to avoid paying in-home care claims from what could be thousands of California’s elderly residents. Senior Health Insurance Co. of Pennsylvania, or SHIP, had a claims process “designed to frustrate …

Consumer Group Charges Auto Insurers with ‘Disparate Treatment’ of Low Income Families

A consumer group on Monday issued a study that alleges “disparate treatment” of low-to moderate-income families by auto insurers nationwide. The group is asking state insurance commissioners to consider lowering minimum liability coverage requirements and creating low-income purchase programs. The …

Consumer Group Hammers Mercury Rate Increase Filing in California

A California consumer group is challenging a rate hike bid by Mercury Insurance because the group claims the company is trying to pass along the costs of its political campaigning. But the insurer says those costs are not included in …

Backers of Calif. Auto Insurance Discount Claim Signatures to Make 2012 Ballot

Backers of a persistency initiative on Wednesday said they have gathered the signatures they need to qualify it for the Nov. 6 2012 ballot in California. A campaign consultant for the backers of the campaign, the American Agents Alliance, said …

Initiative to Expand California Prop 103 Ignites Insurance Battle

A ballot initiative to expand the scope of California’s Proposition 103 to include health insurance could also impact the auto insurance industry by challenging a long-sought-after initiative on auto insurance discounts for persistency, industry watchers say. Santa Monica, Calif.-based advocacy …