contact tracing News

Vendor That Mishandled Pennsylvania Virus Data to Pay $2.7M in Whistleblower Case

A large staffing firm that performed COVID-19 contact tracing for Pennsylvania and exposed the private medical information of about 72,000 residents will pay $2.7 million in a settlement with the Justice Department and a company whistleblower, federal prosecutors announced Wednesday. …

States’ Contact Tracing Struggling to Keep Up With Latest Surge in COVID Cases

Health investigators across the U.S. are finding it nearly impossible to keep up with the deluge of new COVID-19 infections and carry out contact tracing efforts that were once seen as a pillar of the nation’s pandemic response. States are …

Pennsylvania Contact Tracing Breach Impacts Private Info of 72K People

Employees of a vendor paid to conduct COVID-19 contact tracing in Pennsylvania may have compromised the private information of at least 72,000 people, including their exposure status and their sexual orientation, the state Health Department said. Workers at Atlanta-based Insight …

How the NFL Pulled Off Playing During the Pandemic

It took playing games on all seven days of the week, a wide receiver starting at quarterback, numerous schedule changes and constant revisions to health and safety protocols for the NFL to reach Week 17 on time. That’s a remarkable …

Even If Only Few Use Them, Contact Tracing Apps May Help Curb COVID

Contact tracing apps can sharply reduce the spread of the novel coronavirus even when only a few people use them, a study published on Thursday by researchers at Google and Oxford University showed. An app used by 15% of the …

Trump Administration, Airlines Can’t Agree on Contact Tracing Plan

The Trump administration’s efforts to require airlines to collect contact tracing information from U.S.-bound international passengers has stalled, five people briefed on the matter told Reuters on Friday, adding such a mandate is unlikely this year. Major airlines and administration …

Workers Turn Into Sleuths to Track Sicknesses Where Employers Keep Covid Data Secret

Jana Jumpp spends eight hours a day updating a spreadsheet — not for work, but a recent hobby: figuring out how many of Amazon’s 400,000 warehouse workers have fallen sick with the coronavirus. Amazon won’t give a number, so Jumpp …

N.Y. AG Urges Apple, Google to Protect Consumers Using Contact Tracing Apps

New York Attorney General Letitia James has urged Apple, maker of the iPhone, and Google, developer of the Android operating system, to take steps to protect consumer information and privacy as New Yorkers and Americans continue to battle with COVID-19. …

Amazon’s Heavily Automated, Frugal HR Leaves Sick Workers in Limbo

Tony Banks told Inc. right away when he tested positive for Covid-19. More than a month later, he’s on the mend, but struggling with fatigue and shortness of breath that makes most physical activity feel like he’s just sprinted …

COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps Proving Not Much of a Help Thus Far

Harnessing today’s technology to fight the coronavirus pandemic is turning out to be more complicated than it first appeared. The first U.S. states that rolled out smartphone apps for tracing the contacts of COVID-19 patients are dealing with technical glitches …