contamination News

St. Louis Residents Seek Compensation for Illnesses Tied to Nuclear Contamination

Karen Nickel has been dealing with lupus and other illnesses for years, illnesses she blames on childhood exposure to a suburban St. Louis creek where Cold War-era nuclear waste was dumped decades ago. It’s time, she said Friday, for the …

Tainted Water Flowed to These Texans’ Homes for Three Years. No One Told Them.

MIDLAND COUNTY β€” Leslie Borrego lives in a modest house south of the city limits, built 24 years ago by her late husband RaΓΊl, who died unexpectedly from an aneurysm four years ago. The walls, decorated with framed portraits of …

Connecticut Residents Sue Kimberly-Clark Over PFAS Use That Firm Denies

Some of manufacturer Kimberly-Clark Corp.’s neighbors in New Milford, Connecticut believe the paper goods manufacturer has contaminated their soil and drinking water with PFAS chemicals. Three of them have filed a proposed class action claiming that contamination from the manufacturer’s …

Former Residents Seek Compensation for Secret Government Testing in St. Louis Housing Project

ST. LOUIS (AP) __ Ben Phillips’ childhood memories include basketball games with friends, and neighbors gathering in the summer shade at their St. Louis housing complex. He also remembers watching men in hazmat suits scurry on the roofs of high-rise …

Cancer Clusters Prompt Houston’s Multi-Million Dollar Plan to Relocate Affected Residents

HOUSTON (AP) – Houston plans to spend millions of dollars to relocate residents from neighborhoods located near a rail yard polluted by a cancer-linked wood preservative that has been blamed for an increase in cancer cases, the city’s mayor announced …

Republican Wisconsin Lawmakers Propose Plan to Combat PFAS Pollution

MADISON, Wis. (AP) – Republican legislators have proposed a sweeping new plan to address PFAS pollution that would create grants for local governments, limit regulators’ ability to delay projects on polluted property and mandate studies on how to treat contaminated …

Ohio Families Living in Limbo Months After Fire

AST PALESTINE, Ohio (AP) – Jeff Drummond spends days and nights alone in a tiny room with fake wood paneling, two small beds and a microwave atop a mini refrigerator that serves as a nightstand – his pickup truck parked …

Asbestos, Lead Paint, Mold Found at Senior Center in Massachusetts

Three western Massachusetts towns are looking for a new home for their senior center after an environmental assessment found asbestos, lead paint and mold in the 90-year-old building they had been using. The South County Senior Center in Deerfield, Massachusetts, …

National Guard Helping After Chemicals Found in Delaware Town’s Wells

Delaware Governor John Carney has authorized the National Guard to assist residents of a southern Delaware town after the discovery of high levels of toxic chemicals in municipal wells. Authorities said that the Guard has provided two, 400-gallon portable water …

EPA Authorizes $1.8M to Remove Unsafe Liquids From 2 Connecticut Industrial Sites

Federal environmental regulators say they’re trying to contain and remove as much as 200,000 gallons of dangerous liquid chemicals and compounds found in storage tanks at two abandoned industrial properties in Waterbury. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency tells the Republican-American …