coronavirus and hurricane season News

Floridians Concerned About Disaster Recovery, Hurricane Deductibles: Survey

As Hurricane Sally bears down on the Gulf Coast, a new survey is highlighting the concerns many Florida residents have about the impact of catastrophic storms on their communities and everyday lives, as well as if they are adequately insured …

Survey: Florida Residents More Concerned for Hurricane Season Amid Pandemic

As Florida gets ready to officially start hurricane season, a new survey shows a majority of residents are more concerned for this year’s potential storms than in previous years, given the simultaneous continuing issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic. According …

Florida Makes Plans for Dealing with Pandemic During Hurricane Season

As Florida slowly reopens, officials are now contemplating what they should do if the coronavirus outbreak lingers into hurricane season, Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis said Tuesday. Hurricane season begins June 1 and usually peaks from late August through September. Florida …