coronavirus business interruption News

Insurers Are Creating Products for World Where Pandemics Could Become New Norm

Insurers are creating products for a world where virus outbreaks could become the new normal after many businesses were left out in the cold during the COVID-19 crisis. While new pandemic-proof policies might not be cheap, they offer businesses from …

Chubb Unveils Public-Private Program for Pandemic Business Interruption

Chubb unveiled a proposal for the insurance industry and federal government to partner on covering future pandemic-related business interruptions—and to get money to small businesses quickly—following through on an earlier promise from CEO Evan Greenberg. Documents shared with Carrier Management …

Biggest Uncertainty for UK Insurers Remains Around Business Interruption Claims: BoE

The biggest uncertainty now facing insurers is whether they will have to pay for a raft of business interruption claims, the Bank of England said, as a court prepares to rule on whether existing policies cover big losses caused by …

Coronavirus Business Interruption Claimants Lay Out Federal Plan to Reimburse Insurers

A U.S. lawmaker has introduced a bill that would allow insurers to voluntarily pay certain COVID-related business interruption claims and get reimbursed by the federal government, but insurance groups have rejected the idea. Although the text of H.R. 7412, the …

New Business Interruption Insurance Class Action Launched in Canada

Koskie Minsky LLP and the Merchant Law Group have launched a proposed national class action lawsuit alleging that Canadian insurance companies have breached their contracts with business owners by refusing to pay for business interruptions caused by the coronavirus pandemic. …

State Judge Rejects Michigan Restaurants’ COVID-19 Business Interruption Claim

A trial court judge in Lansing, Michigan handed a victory to insurers in what may be the nation’s first final ruling on the question of whether a property insurer is liable for financial damages caused by a coronavirus closure order. …

How to Prepare for the Next ‘Black-Swan’ Event? Lloyd’s Has Some Suggestions.

Lloyd’s of London is proposing solutions that could provide customers with greater protection against a future wave of the COVID-19 virus or future systemic – “black swan” – catastrophes, such as another pandemic, a global cyber attack or a solar …

S. African Insurers Are Pushed to Pay COVID-19 Business Interruption Claims

Virus-related claims from just over 500 small South African firms battling insurers who have rejected them are worth up to 4 billion rand ($232 million), the firm representing the businesses has calculated. Loss adjustment firm Insurance Claims Africa (ICA) is …

Minor League Baseball Teams Sue Insurers for Coronavirus Business Income Losses

Fifteen U.S. minor league baseball teams on Tuesday sued several insurers for not paying out claims for business interruption losses after the cancellation of “much or all” of the league’s season as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, according to …

UK Insurers Cite Swedish Example in Bid to Dodge Coronavirus Biz Income Payouts

Insurers are set to argue against paying out fully on claims made by businesses forced to shut because of the pandemic, saying that shops in Sweden lost money even without a strict lockdown. The strategy was raised at the first …