coronavirus hospitalizations News

Medical Costs of COVID Patients 50% Higher Than Before Hospitalization: German Study

Medical costs of German COVID-19 patients who have left hospitals are on average 50% higher than before they were admitted, data from a major insurer showed, a sign that even those who have recovered struggle to regain full health. The …

Hospitals, Nursing Homes Fail to Separate COVID Patients, Putting Others at Risk

Nurses at Alta Bates Summit Medical Center were on edge as early as March when patients with COVID-19 began to show up in areas of the hospital that were not set aside to care for them. The Centers for Disease …

Miami Halts Indoor Dining as Florida Hospitals Approach Capacity

Hospitals rapidly approached capacity across the Sunbelt, and the Miami area closed indoor dining at restaurants and gyms again because of the surging coronavirus Monday, as the U.S. emerged from a Fourth of July weekend of picnics, pool parties and …

Texas Governor Urges Masks as Virus Cases Rise

Texas’ surging coronavirus numbers will not slow the state’s reopening, according to Republican Gov. Greg Abbott, who has prescribed an emphasis on face coverings and social distancing to curtail sobering trends, including hospitalization rates that have doubled since Memorial Day. …