coronavirus liability News

Colleges Asking Returning Athletes to Sign COVID-19 Risk Forms

Ohio State calls it the Buckeye Acknowledgment and Pledge, a two-page document the school asked its athletes to sign before they could begin using team facilities during the pandemic. The document SMU is requiring its athletes to sign is much …

Iowa Republicans Push to Limit Coronavirus Liability

Iowa Republican legislators are fast-tracking a bill that would give meatpacking plants, nursing homes and other businesses broad immunity from coronavirus lawsuits despite criticism that it would also enable them to ignore workplace safety requirements. The bill, which the state …

Senate Weighs Broad Coronavirus Liability Shield for Employers

Senate Republicans are drafting legislation that would let employers choose which government coronavirus safety guidelines to follow in order to be shielded from lawsuits if their customers or workers contract the virus, GOP Senator John Cornyn said Wednesday. Cornyn said …

States Adding Laws to Shield Businesses From Liability for Coronavirus Claims

Four states have passed laws that grant businesses immunity from civil liability for claims relating to COVID-19, while legislation in at least three other states is advancing. The bills signed into law by the governors of North Carolina, Oklahoma, Utah …

U.S. Employers Shying Away From Using Coronavirus ‘Immunity’ Tests in Reopening

U.S. employers have cooled to the idea of testing workers for possible immunity to the coronavirus as they prepare to reopen factories and other workplaces. Blood tests that check for antibodies to the new coronavirus have been touted by governments …

Italy to Protect Businesses from Liability if Workers Catch Coronavirus: News Report

Italian businesses that follow the health and safety rules are protected from liability in case returning workers catch coronavirus, the head of the country’s insurance association said in an interview with La Stampa. While infections are categorized as workplace accidents …

Few Coronavirus Liability Lawsuits Have Been Filed Thus Far

Businesses are urging U.S. lawmakers to shield companies from what they fear could be a flood of lawsuits by workers and consumers blaming employers for exposing them to the new coronavirus. But so far, court records show few such cases …

Debate Over Business Liability in Pandemic Turns to OSHA Regulation, CDC Guidelines

Congressional Republicans have made liability protection for employers a nonnegotiable demand in any new coronavirus stimulus, but Senator Lindsey Graham, an ally of President Donald Trump, says that regulators have a role to play in the workplace. The government must …

Companies Need Safety From Lawsuits If They Protect Workers: Opinion

States that are reopening their economies even as cases of Covid-19 are still rising are threatening their own residents and the whole country. But they are also running into two challenges that all states will face: Employees don’t want to …

Republicans Rally Around Call for Legal Immunity for Businesses When They Reopen

The top Republicans in the U.S. Congress displayed a united front on Friday in their drive for coronavirus-related liability protections for businesses, saying such measures will be crucial to talks about future relief legislation. Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell and …