coronavirus outbreak News

South Carolina: Hurricane Response Plan a ‘Good Question’ Amid Virus Outbreak

With hurricane season less than two months away, officials in South Carolina said they don’t yet have a good plan in place if a storm hits during the coronavirus outbreak, particularly for people potentially displaced from their homes in the …

Positive Tests Mount After Virus Outbreak at North Dakota Wind Turbine Plant

A coronavirus outbreak at a northeastern North Dakota wind turbine plant has ballooned to 110 cases in early testing and one city official said he expects a “prolonged battle” to control the spread. An uptick in cases at the LM …

New York Governor Wants $40M to Respond to Coronavirus

New York’s governor says he will ask state lawmakers in coming days to approve $40 million to help state health officials respond to the deadly coronavirus outbreak. Governor Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, told reporters Wednesday that the funding will help …