coronavirus testing News

Cathay Pacific Collaborates with AXA to Provide Free COVID-19 Insurance to Passengers

Cathay Pacific is collaborating with AXA General Insurance Hong Kong Ltd. to provide free COVID-19 coverage to all passengers. Customers who fly with Cathay Pacific from Dec. 7 to Feb. 28, 2021 will be covered for medical expenses related to …

Momentum Is Building for Pre-Flight COVID-19 Airport Testing

Even as the race to approve and distribute COVID-19 vaccines is entering its final stretch, parts of the travel industry are sprinting to a different finish line: airport testing. In hubs large and small, from JFK to Boston to Frankfurt, …

Japan’s Largest Airport Opens COVID-19 Testing Lab for Departing Travelers

TOKYO — Japan’s largest airport opened a novel coronavirus testing facility on Monday as it takes steps to reopen international travel that has been largely grounded for months by the pandemic. The Narita International Airport PCR Center is aimed at …

COVID-Sniffing Robots Promise Fast Testing Alternative

A biotechnology startup called Koniku is trying to develop robots that could sniff out Covid-19 infections faster than conventional testing. The technology fuses neurons with a silicon chip to create a “smell cyborg” capable of detecting scents ranging from explosives …

How the Coronavirus Spread So Quickly Across U.S.

As the United States exceeds 5 million reported coronavirus cases — the world’s first country to do so — epidemiologists have pinpointed what helped to set the country on this path. Research from the University of Notre Dame estimates that …

UK Working With Heathrow on COVID Testing as Alternative to Quarantine

Britain is working with London’s Heathrow Airport on a plan to use COVID-19 testing to help shorten quarantine times, in an effort to help airlines and airports kickstart travel and the wider economy. Heathrow said on Wednesday that a testing …

Stadiums May Test Fans’ Privacy Boundaries With Virus Prevention Technologies

The metal detectors every sports fan has become accustomed to at the gate might soon be accompanied by thermal body scanners as part of the gargantuan task of preventing the spread of the new coronavirus and other airborne diseases. And …

States Sharing of COVID-19 Patients’ Data With First Responders Sparks Privacy Concern

More than 11 million people have been tested in the U.S. for COVID-19, all with the assurance that their private medical information would remain protected and undisclosed. Yet, public officials in at least two-thirds of states are sharing the addresses …

U.S. Employers Shying Away From Using Coronavirus ‘Immunity’ Tests in Reopening

U.S. employers have cooled to the idea of testing workers for possible immunity to the coronavirus as they prepare to reopen factories and other workplaces. Blood tests that check for antibodies to the new coronavirus have been touted by governments …

Texas to Test Everyone in Nursing Homes as COVID-19 Deaths Rise

Gov. Greg Abbott has ordered coronavirus testing for all Texas nursing home residents and staff after the White House urged the nation’s governors to do so as deaths mount nationwide. The directive by Abbott, a Republican, to state health officials …