coronavirus workers News

Federal Judge Dismisses Amazon N.Y. Warehouse Workers’ COVID-19 Lawsuit

A federal judge dismissed New York warehouse workers’ lawsuit against Amazon, ruling that their allegations about the company’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic should have been brought to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration instead. The lawsuit filed in June …

The Coronavirus Pandemic and The Great Workplace Debate: Viewpoint

Decisions on where and how to work are embodied in trillions of dollars of investment worldwide, including the siting of commercial and residential real estate as well as transportation systems and other infrastructure. Even a small shift in work patterns …

How Auto Workers Are Keeping Factories Running and Masks On

When the coronavirus pandemic slammed the United States in March, the Detroit Three automakers shut their plants and brought their North American vehicle production to an unprecedented cold stop. Now, four months after a slow and sometimes bumpy restart in …

As Employees Have Stressed Out During Pandemic, Many Employers Have Stepped Up

The coronavirus pandemic has put millions of Americans out of work. But many of those still working are fearful, distressed and stretched thin. A quarter of U.S. workers say they have even considered quitting their jobs as worries related to …

Crisis Within a Crisis: How COVID-19 Is Driving the Opioid Epidemic

While the current national health conversation has largely centered on the COVID-19 pandemic, which has resulted in more than 200,000 deaths in the U.S. alone and more than a million worldwide according to recent World Health Organization (WHO) data, another …

Firms’ Employee Benefit Offerings Reflect Pandemic-Reshuffled Priorities

During the past year, there is a good chance that you and your priorities changed significantly. The things you used to think were important are not so important anymore. And issues you did not even think about before are suddenly …

Amazon Reveals 19,000 Frontline Workers Contracted Coronavirus Inc. on Thursday said more than 19,000 of its U.S. frontline workers contracted the coronavirus this year, or 1.44% of the total, a disclosure sought by labor advocates who have criticized the COVID-19 response by the world’s largest online …

Meat Plant Workers Being Denied Workers’ Compensation for COVID-19: Reuters

Saul Sanchez died in April, one of six workers with fatal COVID-19 infections at meatpacker JBS USA’s slaughterhouse in Greeley, Colorado, the site of one of the earliest and deadliest coronavirus outbreaks at a U.S. meatpacking plant. Before getting sick, …

Coronavirus Safety: U.S. Behind Global Rivals in Protecting Meat Plant Workers

The U.S. government is falling behind global rivals when it comes to protecting meatpacking workers from Covid-19 infections, even though the nation’s plants were among the first to confront rampant cases across factories. In Germany, the government is ready to …

Startups Developing Technologies to Clean Air in Workplaces of Coronavirus

Smithfield Foods Inc. thought it was doing great. In the first quarter of this year, the pork giant’s earnings were up 190% over the same period in 2019. Then the pandemic hit, and the close quarters of meatpacking plants made …