corporate cyber information sharing News

Congress Adds Corporate Cyber Data Sharing Immunity to Spending Bill

Companies that share data with the U.S. government for cyber security purposes will get more protection from consumer lawsuits under a measure piggybacked onto a massive federal spending bill unveiled in Congress on Wednesday. The cyber-security proposal, widely supported by …

Senate Leaders Vow September Vote on Cybersecurity Bill

The U.S. Senate will not vote on a cyber security bill until September, after lawmakers return from a four-week recess and consider the nuclear agreement with Iran, the chamber’s leaders said on Wednesday. Some lawmakers had called for urgent consideration …

AG Lynch Urges Corporate, Government Cooperation to Fight Cybercrime

Attorney General Loretta Lynch this week urged greater cooperation between the government and private industry to combat computer hackers, a key component of a new cyber- attack playbook released by the Justice Department. Speaking to a gathering of government and …

House Expected to Pass Cyber Threat Sharing Bill Today

The U.S. House of Representatives is expected to consider, and pass, on Wednesday a long-awaited bill that would make it easier for companies to share information about cybersecurity threats with the government without fear of lawsuits. Congressional aides said on …

Cyber Information Sharing Bill Introduced in House

Leaders of the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee introduced legislation on Tuesday to make it easier for companies to share information about cybersecurity threats with the government, without the fear of being sued. Prompted in part by high-profile cyber attacks …

How to Prevent Next Sony-Style Cyber Attack: Alexander

Cybervandalism, cyberterrorism, cyberwarfare. No matter what you call the recent attacks against Sony Pictures, we weren’t ready. And we won’t be ready until our nation — with the government and industry working together — takes action to defend itself. Cyber-attacks …