corporate cybersecurity News

Congress Approves Cyber Attack Reporting Requirement for U.S. Companies

Companies critical to U.S. national interests will now have to report when they’re hacked or they pay ransomware, according to new rules approved by Congress. The rules are part of a broader effort by the Biden administration and Congress to …

FireEye, Major Cybersecurity Firm for Business and Government, Is Hacked

FireEye, one of the largest cybersecurity companies in the United States, said on Tuesday that it had been hacked, likely by a government, and that an arsenal of hacking tools used to test the defenses of its clients had been …

U.S. Warns Partners, Industrial Firms About Russian Hacking Operation

The U.S. National Security Agency on Thursday warned government partners and private companies about a Russian hacking operation that uses a special intrusion technique to target operating systems often used by industrial firms to manage computer infrastructure. “This is a …

Companies That Are Open About Cyber Risks Fare Better With Investors

Research finds that when one company experiences a cybersecurity breach, other companies in the same field also become less attractive to investors. However, companies that are open about their cybersecurity risk management fare significantly better than peers that don’t disclose …

Cyber Risks Are Jeopardizing M&A Deals

Cybersecurity issues are increasingly becoming a concern in mergers and acquisitions, a new survey shows, and lapses can jeopardize deals or haunt purchasers long after the deal is done. Of more than 2,700 information technology and business decision makers surveyed …

Learning from Equifax Breach Where Growth Outpaced Security

Equifax Inc. failed to modernize its technology security to match the company’s aggressive growth strategy and data gathering, a shortcoming that left it open to the 2017 hack that compromised the information of 148 million people, according to a House …

Marriott Starwood Assessing Impact of 4-Year Long Data Breach

Marriott International said on Friday hackers stole about 500 million records from its Starwood Hotels reservation system in an attack that began four years ago, exposing personal data of customers including some payment card numbers. Shares of the company were …

Lax Cyber Security Could Be Federal Law Violation, SEC Warns

Public companies that fail to tighten their cyber security controls could be violating federal law, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) said on Tuesday. The regulator’s warning came in the form of a report on its investigation to assess …

Cybersecurity Tops D&O Liability Risks

Cybersecurity is the top directors and officers (D&O) liability concern for organizations today, while claims brought by employees, including claims for harassment or discrimination, and regulatory enforcement risks are also critical D&O exposures. According to Willis Towers Watson’s 2018 Management …

8 Ways Cyber Threats and Business Security Will Change This Year: Aon’s Predictions

As cyber attacks increasingly threaten business and grow in volume and scale, companies will be forced to take new measures to address cybersecurity risk holistically, integrating it more aggressively into their enterprise risk management, according to insurance broker Aon’s cyber …