corporate taxes News

Winners and Losers in Republican Tax Plan

The tax-cut bill rolled out on Thursday by U.S. House of Representatives Republicans would help high-income taxpayers and multinational corporations, but hurt mortgage borrowers and some other taxpayers and businesses. Here is a list of winners and losers under the …

MetLife CEO Says Businesses Must Give Up Tax Breaks for Lower Tax Rate

MetLife Inc. Chief Executive Officer Steve Kandarian said industries must be willing to forfeit some of their advantages in the tax code in order for the U.S. to seize a “once-in-a-generation” opportunity to lower corporate rates and simplify the process. …

How 10% of S&P Firms ‘Reform’ Taxes on Their Own

When it comes to taxes, corporate America is getting a bit less corporate. And a bit less American. Fueled by a wave of inversions, a record 54 companies in the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index of leading U.S. firms are …