cost benefit analysis of regulation News

Biden to Restore Legal Foundation for Limits on Mercury Pollution, Discarded by Trump

President Joe Biden plans in coming days to shore up one of the most consequential environmental regulations in history by moving to restore the legal foundation for limits on mercury pollution from power plants. Restrictions on mercury, imposed by the …

EPA Begins Rewrite of Rules on Costs, Benefits of Environmental Regulations

The Trump administration is planning to write new rules for how it weighs the human costs and benefits of environmental regulations, a move that could make it harder for future presidents to stiffen limits on pollution and combat climate change. …

Flood of Regulations Coming from Obama Administration

Over the next 12 months, the Obama administration is due to issue regulations governing everything from e-cigarettes to smoke-stack emissions in what experts predict will be a second-term rush to put rules in place before leaving office. “In every administration, …

Left and Right Are Both Wrong About Regulation: Viewpoint

In 1981, President Ronald Reagan instructed federal agencies that they could issue regulations only after demonstrating that their benefits justified their costs. With modest changes, Reagan’s successors, both Republican and Democratic, have continued to impose this requirement on agencies considering …