Costa Rican market News

AIA: CAFTA an Important Market-Opening Step

Congress took an important step toward opening the world’s insurance markets when it approved the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), the American Insurance Association said Thursday. “Costa Rica, one of the nation’s that will participate in CAFTA, has one …

AIA Praises Costa Rican Trade Pact

The American Insurance Association applauded the adoption of a new free trade agreement with Costa Rica that will phase out one of the world’s last government monopolies and help insurance companies in the U.S. and Central America. Praising U.S. trade …

AIA Praises Central American Free Trade Agreement

The American Insurance Association noted that a new free trade agreement with Central American nations, which is expected to be presented to Congress early next year, “will encourage economic growth and help U.S. insurers expand.” In the statement, issued Wednesday, …

Latino Market Heats Up

It is nearly impossible to deny the impact the burgeoning Hispanic population has and will have on American culture and its markets. The marketplace for insurance is no exception. Hispanics are now the country’s largest minority group, having officially overtaken …

Latino Market Heats Up

It is nearly impossible to deny the impact the burgeoning Hispanic population has and will have on American culture and its markets. The marketplace for insurance is no exception. Hispanics are now the country’s largest minority group, having officially overtaken …

Hundreds Feared Dead in El Salvador Earthquake

An Earthquake centered 60 miles off the coast of El Salvador struck Central America Saturday morning, killing several hundred persons and causing heavy damage to buildings and infrastructure in the region. At least 340 people have lost their lives. Many …