counter-terrorism News

China Anti-Terrorism Law Raises Implementation Concerns: European Chamber

The vague wording of China’s new counter-terrorism law raises concerns about how telecommunications carriers and network service providers will be expected to implement the regulations in practice, the European Chamber of Commerce in China said on Tuesday. The law, approved …

China’s Draft Cyber Security Law Worries Multinationals, Internet Providers

China’s parliament has published a draft cyber security law that consolidates Beijing’s control over data, with potentially significant consequences for internet service providers and multinational firms doing business in the country. The document, dated Monday but picked up by state …

China Says Tech Firms Have Nothing to Fear From Draft Anti-Terror Law

China’s proposed anti-terrorism law will not affect the legitimate interests of technology firms, a top Chinese spokeswoman said Wednesday after U.S. President Barack Obama warned of its impact and demanded amendments. China’s proposals, which would require tech firms to provide …

China’s Draft Counter-Terrorism Law Alarms Foreign Technology Firms

China is weighing a far-reaching counter-terrorism law that would require technology firms to hand over encryption keys and install security “backdoors,” a potential escalation of what some firms view as the increasingly onerous terms of doing business in the world’s …

U.S. Forming Central Cybersecurity Agency

The U.S. government is creating a new agency to monitor cybersecurity threats, pooling and analyzing information on a spectrum of risks, a senior Obama administration official said on Tuesday. The Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center (CTIIC) will be an “intelligence …

Cuomo Says Terror Threat Spurs Higher Security Presence in N.Y. Region

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said the metropolitan area remains under threat of terrorist attack, and that commuters will see an increased security presence in the city and at transit points as a result. Cuomo and New Jersey Governor Christopher …

Chemcial Plants with Terrroism Risk ‘Effectively Unregulated,’ Says Senate Report

The government has failed to inspect virtually all of the chemical facilities that it considers to be at a higher risk for a terror attack and has underestimated the threat to densely populated cities, congressional investigators say. The year-long investigation …