Countrywide Financial News

New York Trial Begins in Bond Insurer Case Over Mortgage-Backed Securities

Bond insurer Ambac Financial Group Inc. cannot prove its $2.7 billion case against Bank of America over troubled mortgage-backed securities on evidence that BofA was a “bad actor” before the 2008 financial crisis, an attorney for the bank said on …

N.Y. Court Says BofA, Countrywide Merger Communications Must Be Disclosed

New York’s highest court ruled on June 9 that Bank of America must disclose to an insurer communications it had with Countrywide Financial six months before the bank bought the mortgage lending company in 2008. The insurer, Ambac Assurance Corp., …

Walnut Place Drops Objections to $8.5 Billion BofA Deal; AIG Still Questions

Walnut Place, an entity that had challenged a proposed $8.5 billion settlement between Bank of America Corp. and investors in failed mortgage-backed securities, has withdrawn its objections to the deal. The development on Monday was a step forward for Bank …