coveware News

Ransomware Criminals Aiming at Third-Party Vendors in Hunt for ‘Big Game’

Ransomware victims have become less likely to pay extortion demands, but cyber criminals are changing their tactics by hitting third-party vendors and using data exfiltration instead of encryption when making ransom demands, according to a new report by cyber insurer …

Fewer Companies Are Paying Ransoms to Hackers, Researchers Say

Fewer companies that are infected with ransomware are coughing up extortion payments demanded by hackers, according to new research from Chainalysis Inc. In findings published on Thursday, the blockchain forensics firm estimated that ransom payments β€” which are almost always …

Insurers Cut Their Appetite for Cyber Cover as Ransomware Losses Mount

LONDON – Insurers have halved the amount of cyber cover they provide to customers after the pandemic and home-working drove a surge in ransomware attacks that left them smarting from hefty payouts. Faced with increased demand, major European and U.S. …

Weighing Effects of Treasury’s Ransomware Pay Warnings on Cyber Victims and Insurers

Recent warnings from the U.S. Treasury about paying ransomware demands are unlikely to substantially change how cyber insurers cover or handle such situations, according to experts. However, the advisories are likely to up the pressure on ransomware victims to make …

Putting Municipal Ransomware Attacksβ€” and Cyber Insurance β€”in Context

The ransomware attacks on public entities in Texas, Florida, Maryland, Georgia and elsewhere this year have raised questions not only about paying ransoms but also about the role of insurance in helping these targets get back to serving the public. …