crash News

California Commuter Train Versus Truck Injures Dozens

Twenty-eight people were injured when a Southern California commuter train collided with a truck stuck on the tracks on Tuesday, toppling three rail cars. There were no deaths reported in the crash, which occurred at about 5:40 a.m. local time …

Indiana Court: US Steel not Responsible for Sleepy Driver’s Crash

The Indiana appeals court has ruled that U.S. Steel isn’t responsible for a crash involving an employee who apparently fell asleep while driving after an 11-hour overnight work shift. The 3-0 appeals court ruling upheld a Lake County judge’s decision …

Distracted Driver Blamed For Louisiana Lake Wreck

Three people jumped into a Baton Rouge, La. lake after watching a vehicle get rear-ended and careen into the water. WBRZ-TV reported the St. George Fire Department said there was only one person in the vehicle, the driver, when it …

California Bus Crash That Killed 1 Was Its 2nd Wreck Of Day

A tour bus that drifted off a Northern California interstate and crashed onto its roof, killing a 33-year-old man and injuring 30 others, was the vehicle’s second wreck in a day, authorities said. The bus was en route from Los …

Drunk Driver Crashes into Texas Police Cars, Barely Misses Officer

Galveston police have arrested a man who they say crashed into two police cars while driving drunk. KHOU-TV reports 66-year-old Raymond Oakley nearly struck a Galveston police officer who was working at the scene of an earlier accident. Chief Henry …

Idaho Car Crash Caused by Burned Armpit Hair?

A SUV full of teenagers crashed in Idaho after one of the passengers lit the driver’s armpit hair on fire with a lighter, authorities said Wednesday. All five young people in the Ford Bronco were hurt in the crash Sunday …

Oregon Crashed Caused by Man Holding Breath in Tunnel

A 19-year-old man caused a three-car crash when he fainted while holding his breath as he drove through a tunnel northwest of Portland, Oregon State Police said. Daniel J. Calhon, of Snohomish, Washington, told investigators he fainted Sunday afternoon while …

Court: No Insurance Coverage in South Dakota Crash That Hurt 4 Boys

An insurance company does not have to cover a Rapid City woman for a crash because her policy expired 12 hours before she hit four boys on their bicycles, the South Dakota Supreme Court ruled. Tamara Bradford pleaded guilty to …

French Court Clears Continental of Criminal Liability for 2000 Concorde Crash

Continental Airlines was cleared on Thursday of criminal responsibility for the Concorde crash in Paris in 2000 that killed 113 people, with a French court also absolving a mechanic at the U.S. airline of involuntary manslaughter. The appeals court ruling, …

Authorities: 13 Dead After Truck Crashes in Texas

A pickup truck overloaded with passengers veered off a highway and crashed into trees in rural South Texas on July 22, killing at least 13 people and leaving 10 injured, authorities said. Gerald Bryant, a spokesman for the Texas Department …