Credit scoring ban News

Washington Judge Enters Order on Washington Insurance Commissioner’s Credit Scoring Ban

Judge Indu Thomas entered the final order declaring that Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler exceeded his authority when he issued a permanent rule banning the use of credit-based insurance scores. Judge Thomas initially granted the industry’s petition for a declaratory judgment …

Judge Finds Washington Commissioner Exceeded Authority on Credit Score Ban

Thurston County Superior Court Judge Indu Thomas found that while Washington Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler’s rule temporarily banning credit scoring followed the Administrative Procedures Act, but he exceeded his statutory authority. In her ruling, Thomas said the record supplied by …

Washington Commissioner’s Draft Rule Would Require Insurers to Explain Premium Changes

Washington Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler shared a draft rule that requires all property/casualty insurers selling personal lines of insurance to give policyholders a simple breakdown of the reasons behind any future premium change. According to a press release from Kreidler, …

Washington Court Grants Extended Stay of Insurance Commissioner’s Credit Scoring Ban

A judge in Washington has signed an order formally staying the Washington Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler’s ban on using credit ratings to help set insurance premiums on vehicle, rental and homeowners insurance. The order consolidated two cases into Judge Indu …

Court Issues Stay on Washington Insurance Credit Scoring Ban

A Washington judge issued a stay on a rule banning the use of credit scoring by insurers in that state, and consolidated cases challenging the ruling, until the merits of the cases are decided. The rule handed down from Insurance …

Washington Insurance Commissioner Pursues January Date for Rule to Ban Use of Credit Scores

Washington Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler says he will seek an effective date of Jan. 1, 2022 for a permanent rule to temporarily ban the use of credit scores for insurance policies for three years. Kreidler’s emergency order prohibited insurers from …

Washington Judge Shoots Down Insurance Commissioner’s Credit Scoring Ban

A judge in Washington ruled in favor of the insurance industry’s argument against Washington Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler’s emergency rule temporarily banning use of credit scoring. Kreidler’s emergency order prohibited insurers from using a consumer’s credit score to price auto, …