Credit Scoring News

Georgia Insurance Commissioner Race: Attracting Insurers, Value of Agents

The three politicians who want to be Georgia’s next insurance commissioner see eye-to-eye on the need for the insurance regulator to be involved in attracting new insurers and insurance jobs to the state. According to an Insurance Journal survey, Democrat …

Georgia Insurance Commissioner Race: Top Priorities, State Role, Money

One candidate to be Georgia ‘s next insurance commissioner thinks the state should build on its risk management schools to become a national leader in alternative risk transfer innovation. Another wants the state to eliminate its tax on premiums and …

Georgia Insurance Commissioner Race: Views on Credit Scoring, Tort Reform

Georgia voters going to the polls on Nov. 2 will have a choice when it comes to electing the state’s next insurance commissioner. The Democratic, Republican and Libertarian candidates cite different priorities; hold different positions on issues including credit scoring, …

Nebraska: Information from On-Board Sensors in Filings Must Be Complete

The Nebraska Department of Insurance says auto insurance companies are increasingly using information obtained from on-board sensors in establishing premium rates. The department is concerned that some of that information may not be complete in insurers’ rate filings for both …

Oregon Clarifies Credit Scoring Re-Rating Rules

The Oregon Insurance Division has issued a bulletin to clarify the use of consumer credit information for personal insurance policies. According to the Department of Consumer and Business Services, Senate Bill 377 passed in the 2009 Legislative session, expanding the …

Michigan Supreme Court Lifts Ban on Use of Credit Scores by Insurers

The Michigan Supreme Court has ruled that the administration of Gov. Jennifer Granholm exceeded its authority when it banned the use of credit scoring by insurance companies in the state. The decision means insurers in Michigan can continue to use …

Washington Commissioner Criticizes Insurers’ Credit Score Use

Washington Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler is taking aim at insurers’ use of credit scores, warning consumers that large drops in credit scores could lead them to pay 8 percent to 15 percent more for insurance. Meanwhile, several insurance associations say …

Michigan Supreme Court Lifts Ban on Use of Credit Scores by Insurers

The Michigan Supreme Court has ruled that the Granholm Administration exceeded its authority when it banned the use of credit scoring by insurance companies in the state. The decision means insurers in Michigan can continue to use credit scoring in …

Insurer Group Deems Kansas 2010 Legislative Session ‘Successful’

The Kansas Legislature’s 2010 session has been a successful one for property/casualty insurers, according to the insurer trade group, the American Insurance Association (AIA). Among the issues that had concerned P/C insurers were proposals to limit or eliminate the insurer …

Oregon Advises P/C Industry of Credit Scoring Changes

The Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services Insurance Division is reminding the insurance industry of new credit scoring legislation, which passed in the 2009 Legislative session and apply to personal insurance policies issued or renewed on or after Jan. …