Credit Scoring News

MI-Assistant: On the Brink

From the brink of the dustbin to the brink of a bright future, it’s been a bumpy ride recently for MI-Assistant, the Eleva, Wis.-based agency solutions provider. In the cutthroat world of competitive rating and agency management systems, the company …

Is IT Happiness Just Around the Corner, or are Agents Waiting for Godot’

Samuel Beckett’s classic play “Waiting for Godot” involves two characters waiting for a third one who never shows up. Agents can’t be blamed for sometimes seeing themselves in the same situation when it comes to information technology (IT). This isn’t …


Two consumer advocacy groups released a statement criticizing Michigan auto and homeowners insurers for “false statements” about insurance credit scoring and Gov. Jennifer Granholm’s proposed regulation to ban the practice. The insurers criticized Office of Financial and Insurance Services (OFIS) …


Meanwhile, leading insurance lobby the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America (PCI) said in state Senate testimony that Granholm’s proposal is out of step with the 20 states that have adopted a variation of the model law developed by the …

MI-Assistant: Midwest Solutions Provider is On the Brink

From the brink of the dustbin to the brink of a bright future, it’s been a bumpy ride recently for MI-Assistant, the Eleva, Wis.-based agency solutions provider. In the cutthroat world of comparative rating and agency management systems, the company …

California Legislative Committee Takes Action on Homeowners Bills

The Assembly Insurance Committee took action on several pending homeowners insurance bills in late June. According to the Association of California Insurance Companies (ACIC), consumers will benefit from the recent actions. The Insurance Committee approved SB 1855 and amended and …

NAMIC Issues Policy Paper on ‘Disparate Impact’ Theory for Credit Scoring

The National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMIC), along with the American Insurance Association and the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America, has prepared and released a bulletin attacking efforts to apply the “disparate impact” legal standard to the use …

PCI Urges NAIC to Drop Insurance Scoring “Best Practices;” Focus on Consumer Education

A bulletin from the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America urges the National Association of Insurance Commissioners to stop work on insurance scoring “best practices” and develop consumer education materials on the use of credit-based insurance scores. The PCI argues …

NAMIC Responds to CEJ Comment on Credit Scoring

The National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies has issued a statement in response to the Center for Economic Justice (CEJ) reaction to its policy paper, The Legal Theory of Disparate Impact Does Not Apply to the Regulation of Credit-Based Insurance …

Consumer Group Claims NAMIC Study on Credit Scoring ‘Flip-Flops’ Earlier Positions

The consumer group, Center for Economic Justice (CEJ), released a statement in response to a National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMIC) study on credit scoring. CEJ’s Executive Director Birny Birnbaum said, “The insurance industry cannot reverse itself fast enough …