Credit Scoring News

Professors study link between biology, credit score and risk

Two University of Texas professors are researching links between people’s biological makeup, financial risk-taking and propensity to crash cars. Patrick Brockett, a professor of risk management and insurance in Auistin, said the research is intended to explain credit scoring, or …

Supreme Court Allows Credit Scoring Discrimination Suit

National • April 28, 2004 “What I don’t understand is why there is a problem with a perfectly good plan to have persons more likely to have accidents pay their fair share of the risk. I don’t believe that there …

Supreme Court Allows Credit Scoring Discrimination Suit

National • April 28, 2004 “All the plaintiff attorneys have to do is contact any insurance agent within a 10 mile radius. We all have horror stories where company A and B score the same client and the scores don’t …

Supreme Court Allows Credit Scoring Discrimination Suit

National • April 28, 2004 “All the plaintiff attorneys have to do is contact any insurance agent within a 10 mile radius. We all have horror stories where company A and B score the same client and the scores don’t …

Supreme Court Allows Credit Scoring Discrimination Suit

National • April 28, 2004 “What I don’t understand is why there is a problem with a perfectly good plan to have persons more likely to have accidents pay their fair share of the risk. I don’t believe that there …

What Does ‘Sole Use’ of Credit Scoring Mean’ Indiana Insurance Department, Attorney General Disagree

Indiana’s attorney general recently released an advisory opinion that directly butts heads with an earlier bulletin from the state’s insurance department on the meaning of “sole use” in Indiana’s new law regarding the use of credit scoring. The Indiana Department …

PCI Says Regulatory Modernization, Credit Scoring Continue to Be Top Issues

Regulatory modernization and credit scoring continue to be priority issues for the insurance industry according to the Property Casualty Insurers Association of American (PCI). John Lobert, PCI senior vice president, state regulatory affairs, addressed the regulatory and legislative environment with …


New Jersey insurance officials, after reviewing their own test and the results in other states, have decided to permit the use of credit scores in the rating of private passenger auto policies. Last year, the Department of Banking & Insurance …

Michigan’s Granholm Moves to Ban Insurance Scoring

When campaigning for her current office, Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm made it clear she detested the use of credit in rating and underwriting auto and homeowners insurance policies. Still, that was back in 2002. It was during the campaign. Industry …

Michigan Negotiations on Credit Scoring Apparently in Vain as Gov. Granholm Pushes for Ban

Jennifer Granholm When campaigning for her current office, Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm made it clear she detested the use of credit in rating and underwriting auto and homeowners insurance policies. Still, that was back in 2002. It was during the …