Credit Scoring News

Perry Says Reforms are Paving Way for Regulatory Modernization

To start off the new year, Insurance Journal asked Texas Governor Rick Perry to share his views on insurance reforms initiated by the Texas Legislature in 2003, and to comment on issues he believes need to be addressed in the …

NAIC Meeting Targets Reform in 2004

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) conducted its final meeting of the year on Dec. 6-9 in Anaheim, Calif. While the conference agenda had its fill of typical committee meeting topics—workers’ compensation, credit scoring, antifraud and insolvency, to name …

ICT Details New Laws Taking Effect in 2004

The Insurance Council of Texas recently issued a reminder that new insurance legislation affecting the use of credit scores, water damage claims and the regulation of public adjusters is being put into place in Texas in 2004. The ICT noted …

IIABA Releases 2004 Legislative Agenda

The Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of New York Inc. announced today that ending the $1 billion drain on New York motorists and freeing the state’s construction industry from a severe crisis created by obsolete provisions in labor law again …

Jan. TDI Hearings Include Credit Score, TWIA

The Texas Department of Insurance has scheduled hearings in January concerning two issues affecting the property/casualty insurance industry: use of credit scores in establishing rates for personal lines insurance and rules regarding reinsurance for Texas Windstorm Insurance Association policyholders. On …

ICT Reminder Details New Laws Taking Effect in January

The Insurance Council of Texas issued a reminder that new insurance legislation affecting the use of credit scores, water damage claims and the regulation of public adjusters is being put into place in Texas in 2004. The ICT noted that …

TDI Adopts ‘Tough’ Credit Score Rules

The Texas Department of Insurance recently adopted initial rules regarding the use of credit scoring by insurers in Texas. And the department believes the rules, along with the statutory provisions in Senate Bill 14, are among the strongest in the …

Fitch Reports Insurance CDOs Allow Smaller U.S. Insurers to Access Capital Markets

Insurance collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) present a significant new opportunity for small to mid-sized insurers to raise long-term capital at rates far lower than current financing, according to an article appearing in the latest edition of the Fitch Ratings ‘Global …

Rules on Credit Scoring Adopted in Texas

The Texas Department of Insurance announced it adopted initial rules regarding the use of credit scoring by insurers in Texas. TDI said these rules, along with the statutory provisions in Senate Bill 14, are among the strongest in the country …

Sledgehammers at 40 Paces

You would think that after several centuries in business, insurers would have a better handle on public relations. Apparently they still believe the sledgehammer approach is effective. And then they are surprised when some, most or all members of the …