Credit Scoring News

Texas House Bans Credit Scoring in Regulation Bill

The Texas House of Representatives passed its version of Senate Bill 14, legislation that addresses regulation of residential property and commercial and personal automobile insurance. According to the Alliance of American Insurers, the House version contains significant differences from the …

Alaska Legislature Approves Bill Restricting Use of Scores

Alaska consumers could reportedly face higher insurance rates from a less competitive insurance market if a bill just sent to Gov. Frank Murkowski’s (R) desk is signed into law. The Alaska Legislature has approved legislation that restricts insurers’ use of …


A Montana bill that would have established reasonable and clear guidelines for the use of credit scoring in insurance underwriting and rating is dead, reportedly due in large part to disagreements between the insurance commissioner, insurers and legislators. Another bill …

Ala. Proposes Regulation to Clarify Credit Score Usage

A proposed Alabama insurance department regulation dealing with the use of credit scoring would help clarify the use of credit in the state, according to the National Association of Independent Insurers, especially since it includes changes suggested at a recent …

Ill. Agents Hail Approval of Credit Scoring Bill

The Professional Independent Insurance Agents of Illinois said in a statement it approves of the state Senate’s yes vote on HB 1640 Osmond (Jacobs) Insurers Use of Credit Scoring. The bill, which passed the Senate May 6 will now be …

NCOIL Credit-Based Scoring Model Reportedly Gaining Momentum

The National Conference of Insurance Legislators (NCOIL) credit-based scoring model is gaining momentum after the first four months of this year’s state legislative season, an official of the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMIC) reports. NAMIC Vice President of …

Ind. Sessions Ends With Status Quo for Insurers

The 2003 Indiana legislative session came to a close recently with little impact on the property and casualty insurance industry, according to a statement released by a trade group. The only substantial property/casualty insurance measure that passed in was credit-based …

PIP Reform, Workers’ Comp Still on the Table in Fla. Session

The National Association of Independent Insurers (NAII) reports that as the 2003 Florida legislative session winds down, insurers are keeping a close eye on key bills concerning PIP reform, flex rating, workers’ compensation and credit scoring. Budget concerns continue to …

PIP Reform, Workers’ Comp on Table as Fla. Session Nears End

As the 2003 Florida legislative session winds down, insurers are reportedly keeping a close eye on key bills concerning PIP reform, flex rating, workers’ compensation, and credit scoring. Budget concerns reportedly continue to dominate the state’s political environment. However, insurers …

Pickens Announces Credit Scoring Protections for Ark. Consumers

According to Arkansas Insurance Commissioner Mike Pickens, the enactment of a new law will give Arkansas insurance consumers stronger protections in the use of credit information and credit scoring when purchasing and renewing insurance coverage. Act 1452 of 2003, which …