Credit Scoring News

Rates, Scores & the WTC

It looks like changes are underway in the Texas homeowners market. The legislature seems determined to bring down rates one way or another, and Insurance Commissioner Jose Montemayor’s preliminary report—developed from data provided by homeowners insurers—showing rates as being too …

La.’s Deputy Commissioner Takes on Rating Board, Struggling Firm

According to Jim Donelon, Chief Deputy Commissioner of the Louisiana Department of Insurance (LDI), the answer to the homeowners’ insurance crisis in Louisiana is to move to a file and use rating system, and to change the nature of the …

Study Says Lower Scores Mean Higher Loss Claims

The lower a named insured’s credit score, the higher the probability that the insured will incur losses on an automobile insurance policy, and the higher the expected loss on the policy.” That’s the bottom line, both literally and figuratively, of …


In a highly anticipated preliminary report to the Texas Legislature, Insurance Commissioner Jose Montemayor told lawmakers that some of the state’s 12 largest homeowners insurance companies are charging rates that are too high by as much as 25 percent in …


Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst is working with the members of the Texas Senate to reach a consensus on driving homeowners insurance rates down by 12 to 15 percent, according to a Senate announcement. The chair of the Business and Commerce …

Is the Economy Driving the Sub-Standard Auto Market in Texas’

Have we finally arrived at the point where the economy is a critical factor in personal automobile insurance? Not quite, but it is my opinion that we are closing in. Although insurance company annual statements do not discern between the …

Kan. Commish Sounds Off on Scoring, More

Gov. Kathleen Sebelius “will be amenable to signing” a bill to restrict credit-based insurance scoring, according to Insurance Commissioner Sandy Praeger. Sebelius, a Democrat who served as insurance commissioner for eight years before her election to the governor’s mansion in …

NAII Says CT Credit Bill is Redundant and Unnecessary

The NAII issued a bulletin opposing a proposed Connecticut bill that would prevent insurers from using credit scoring in insurance underwriting and rating, indicating that it “will do nothing to protect consumers, who are already protected against abuses by existing …

Ill. Scoring Bill a Cinch to Pass, Say Industry Reps

A bill to regulate credit-based insurance scoring substantially similar to a model bill formulated by the National Conference of Insurance Legislators (NCOIL) has been passed out of Illinois’ House Insurance Committee and is very likely to be sent to the …

Montemayor Says Homeowners Rates Are Too High

In a highly anticipated preliminary report to the Texas Legislature, Insurance Commissioner Jose Montemayor told lawmakers that some of the state’s 12 largest homeowners insurance companies are charging rates that are too high by as much as 25 percent in …