Credit Scoring News

Texas Watch Launches Insurance Reform Web Site

The consumer group Texas Watch unveiled a new Web site designed to help consumers participate in the legislative debate on insurance reform. Through the Web site at, the group will provide insurance reform proposals, tips and tools to contact …

Alliance Calls for Changes in DE Credit Scoring Regulation

The Alliance of American Insurers characterized the Delaware Department of Insurance current regulatory proposals on Credit scoring as “a good starting point for addressing the issue,” but indicated that they “should be more consistent with federal credit reporting law.” At …

Montemayor Sends Biennial Report, Recommendations to Lawmakers

Texas Insurance Commissioner Jose Montemayor recently submitted the Biennial Report, required under Section 32.022 of the Insurance Code, to Texas legislators suggesting needed changes in laws relating to insurance industry regulation and summarizing the status of the industry in the …


Credit-based insurance scoring has expanded choice in the marketplace for consumers and allowed insurers to more accurately price their products, the American Insurance Association (AIA) told a group of state legislators recently. “Insurance scoring is directly responsible for a larger …

Calif. Commissioner Delivers Inaugural Speech

Calif. Insurance Commissioner John Garamendi recently delivered his inaugural speech on Jan. 6, 2003, as he took the Oath of Office in a ceremony at the Assembly Chambers California Capitol Building. The following is the text of Commissioner Garamendi’s speech, …

Montemayor Presents Lawmakers with Biennial Report

Texas Insurance Commissioner Jose Montemayor submitted a written report to Texas legislators indicating needed changes in laws relating to regulation of the insurance industry. The Biennial report, required under Section 32.022 of the Insurance Code, summarizes the changes in the …

NAMIC Supports Credit Scoring in Testimony at Ohio Ins. Dept. Hearing

The National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies strongly supported the right of insurers to use credit information in making underwriting and rating decisions, in testimony before an Ohio Department of Insurance hearing Monday in Columbus. “Credit-based insurance scoring has been …

PIIAI Mourns Loss of State Rep. Tim Osmond

The Professional Independent Insurance Agents of Illinois has issued a bulletin on behalf of the organization, its staff and all members of the insurance community, mourning the loss of State Representative Tim Osmond, who died of a heart attack on …

NAII Counsel Responds to MO News Article on Credit Scoring

Ann Weber, General Counsel for the National Association of Independent Insurers, has written an open letter to Will Connaghan, the Editor of the St. Louis Daily Record in response to an article that appeared in the December 13th Issue entitled …

Michigan’s OFIS Releases Credit Scoring Report, NAII Comments

Michigan’s Office of Financial and Insurance Services (OFIS) has released its long awaited report examining the use of credit scores to set insurance rates, raising some significant concerns about the way insurance credit scoring is used and how much information …