crime prevention News

Texas Insurance Group Says to Lock, Take, Hide on Black Friday

The Insurance Council of Texas is warning shoppers about possible vehicle break-ins on the Black Friday shopping holiday. Criminals will be intent on burglarizing vehicles that may have been left unlocked or simply have phones, I pads, gifts, and other …

Insurance Council of Texas Partners With Police For Crime Prevention Program

The Insurance Council of Texas has joined the Tomball Police Department in a crime prevention campaign aimed at preventing auto thefts and burglaries. The program involves the creation and distribution of signs that read, “LOCK your car, TAKE your keys …

Texas DPS Touts Success of Border Crime, Vehicle Safety Initiative

The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) announced that a multi-agency law enforcement initiative, dubbed Operation Strong Safety, that targeted crime, unsafe commercial vehicles and unsafe driving practices has been successful. The operation temporarily increased the patrol presence in the …