crisis News

IMF’s Lagarde Warns No Country is Immune from Rising Risk

The world economic outlook is “quite gloomy” and will require action by all countries, starting with those in Europe, to head off an escalating crisis that carries risks of a global depression, the head of the International Monetary Fund said …

France, Germany Give Greece Ultimatum on Euro

The leaders of Germany and France told Greece on Wednesday it would not receive another cent in European aid until it decides whether it wants to stay in the euro zone. They also made clear that saving the euro was …

Helping Banks is Hurting Insurance Industry Geneva Association Tells G20

In an open letter The Geneva Association directly addressed the Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors of the G-20 before their meeting in Cannes, France. It pointed out that amidst all of the concerns over the global economy in general, …

Deutsch Bank Head Sees ‘Fundamental Reassessment’ of Financial Industry

Dr. Josef Ackermann’s keynote speech to delegates at the Risk Management Forum of the Federation of European Risk Management Associations (FERMA) basically described the global financial system as broken and in need of a “fundamental reassessment.” As the Chairman of …

ING Wavers on Insurance IPO Plan

ING will not be launching a stock market flotation for its insurance operations any time soon and trade buyers are expressing interest, the Dutch bancassurer said on Thursday. European Commission regulators seeking payback for the state bailout the bank received …

Europe at Impasse on Greece, IMF Backs Investor Role

The International Monetary Fund joined Germany on Wednesday in pushing for private sector investors [presumably including the EU’s insurers] to help cut Greece’s debt mountain as the euro zone sought to break an impasse on how and when to grant …

Portugal Adds to Europe Woes as Banks Meet on Greece

A credit rating downgrade to Portugal [by Moody’s Investors Services] added to fears Europe’s banks face heavy euro zone losses if a private sector plan to help Greece comes unstuck, piling pressure on creditors meeting on Wednesday. The Institute of …