critical infrastructure threats News

North Carolina Attack Shows Fragility of U.S. Power Grids, Experts Say

The attacks that left two electrical substations in North Carolina riddled with gunfire and knocked out power to 45,000 homes and businesses underscores the fragility of US grids, experts said Monday. The FBI is investigating the assault that extensively damaged …

Biden’s Russia Cyber Warning Befuddles Ill-Prepared Businesses

A day after U.S. President Joe Biden issued a stark warning that a Russian cyberattack “is coming,” members of his administration hosted a three-hour call with about 13,000 people representing businesses, public agencies and other organizations to discuss the potential …

Ransomware Operators Expected to Become More Aggressive: Canada Spy Agency

Global ransomware attacks increased by 151% in the first half of 2021 compared with 2020 and hackers are set to become increasingly aggressive, Canada’s signals intelligence agency said on Monday. The Communications Security Establishment (CSE), citing attacks on North American …

U.K. Power Grid Under Cyber-Attack Every Minute; Government Hikes Defenses

The U.K. government is one step ahead of hackers trying to turn off the country’s lights — for now. The prospect of cyber-attacks on the nation’s power network is major threat to the country’s security, according to James Arbuthnot, a …

Lloyd’s Underwriters Warn of Rising Danger from Cyber Terrorism

An article on the Lloyd’s website notes that “industrial facilities from nuclear plants to dams are increasingly coming under attack from cyber terrorists bent on causing physical damage and disruption from behind their computer terminals. But with the insurance market …