Croatia News

Baloise and Gothaer in Merger Talks on German Insurance Operations

The Baloise Group and Gothaer Versicherungsbank VVaG are negotiating about a strategic partnership and a merger of their German insurance activities. A letter of intent has been signed, the companeis said. Both companies are currently conducting due diligence. The outcome …

Fires Rage Out of Control in Greece

Massive fires raged out of control across Greece on Thursday, after killing three people overnight in the south, burning through villages and forests and stretching firefighting services to the limit. Greek Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis appealed to Russian President Vladimir …

Aon/Albert G. Ruben Finds Improved Conditions for Filmmakers

Editor’s Note: An earlier version of this article quoted Chris Palmer of Aon. Palmer is no longer with Aon, but instead is employed by CMM Entertainment. Insurance Journal regrets the error. Economic and political situations in a number of countries …

Generali, PPF Create Joint Insurer for Eastern Europe

Italy’s Generali Group has concluded an agreement with PPF Group N.V., an international financial group, headquartered in Amsterdam, Netherlands, which is 95 percent controlled by Petr Kellner, a Czech entrepreneur with a strong track record of success. PPF Group in …

Generali Signs Deal to Acquire 51% Stake in Bulgaria’s Orel-G Holding

It’s not just the Italian Football (soccer) team that’s in an expansive mood. Italy’s Generali Group announced that it has signed an agreement for the acquisition of a 51 percent shareholding in Bulgarian insurer Orel-G Holding AD. The shares will …

Euler Hermes Issues Global 2006 Economic Assessment

Euler Hermes ACI, a provider of trade credit insurance and risk mitigation information, has released a special global risk analysis report from its U.S. headquarters in Maryland. The company, a subsidiary of French insurer AGF, which is in turn part …

Allianz Increases Croatia Joint Venture Share

Germany’s Allianz Group announced that it has increased its stake in Croatian insurer Allianz Zagreb to 80 percent, by acquiring an additional 28 percent of the company’s capital from its partner Zagrebacka banka. The announcement noted that the “reduction of …

Crossing Paths with North Carolina Senator Elizabeth Dole

Crossing Paths with North Carolina Senator Elizabeth Dole By Dave Thomas Having served U.S. Presidents, the medical community and North Carolina residents as senator for the Tar Heel State, Sen. Elizabeth Dole has accumulated quite a resume over the years. …

Allianz May Acquire Stake in Czech Insurer

Germany’s Allianz is in talks with the Czech government concerning the acquisition of its 30 percent holding in the country’s biggest insurance group, Ceska Pojistovna. The move would further strengthen Allianz’ rapidly growing operations in Eastern Europe. CP has 43 …