cruise ship victim lawsuits News

Carnival’s Princess Cruise Lines Must Face Passengers’ COVID-19 Lawsuit

Carnival Corp.’s Princess Cruise Lines Ltd. failed to persuade a judge to dismiss negligence claims by 17 passengers who allege they suffered COVID-19 symptoms after being exposed to the coronavirus on a February voyage. Monday’s ruling doesn’t address the merits …

Warning of ‘Trivial’ Suits, Judge Dismisses Cruise Passengers’ COVID-19 Claims

A federal judge dismissed lawsuits by Grand Princess cruise ship passengers who sued for emotional distress caused by their fear of exposure to COVID-19, saying that allowing their cases to proceed would “lead to a flood of trivial suits.” Judge …

Cruise Ship Industry Leaves Crash Victims Little Hope for Recovery

When Walter Henry Alderfer learned last month about the Costa Concordia shipwreck off Italy, it brought back bad memories. In April 2007, he, his wife and his daughter were aboard the Sea Diamond cruise ship when it struck a reef …

Cruise Ship Victims Can’t Use U.S. Courts: Expert

Victims of the Italian cruise ship disaster who might seek to sue in the United States, where damages lawsuits are a virtual industry, may be barred from doing so. The primary reason, legal experts said, is that contracts written into …