crumbling foundations News

Travelers Establishes Program to Help with Connecticut Crumbling Foundations

The Travelers Companies Inc. has established the Travelers Benefit Program, a $5 million fund to assist customers in repairing homes with crumbling foundations in northeast Connecticut. The matter stems from concrete contaminated by the mineral pyrrhotite, which can cause foundations …

Head of Connecticut Crumbling Foundations Entity Concerned About Funding Delay

The superintendent of the new entity charged with distributing millions of dollars to Connecticut homeowners with crumbling foundations says he’s within weeks of shutting down if state bonding isn’t released. Michael Maglaras told members of several legislative committees on Friday …

Candidate Seeks to File Brief in Connecticut Crumbling Foundations Case

A Democratic candidate for state Attorney General is seeking permission to become involved in a court case involving eastern Connecticut homeowners whose foundations are crumbling. Wethersfield state Sen. Paul Doyle filed a piled a petition Thursday in state Supreme court …

Connecticut Lawmakers Vote to Add $12 Fee to Help Homeowners

Legislation adding a $12 annual surcharge on insurance policies of every Connecticut residential homeowner to help those homeowners with crumbling foundations is moving to the governor’s desk. The state Senate on Wednesday, the final day of the legislative session, voted …

Connecticut House Passes $12 Fee to Help Crumbling Foundation Homeowners

Connecticut moved closer Saturday toward adding a $12 annual surcharge on the insurance policies of every residential homeowner to financially help hundreds, if not thousands, of homeowners with crumbling foundations pay for costly repairs. After emotional appeals from eastern and …

Court Asked to Define ‘Collapse’ in Connecticut Home Foundations Case

A federal judge has asked the Connecticut Supreme Court for a better definition of the word “collapse” that could help decide whether homeowner insurance policies should cover repairs to thousands of homes with crumbling foundations caused by defective concrete. The …

Connecticut Senator Says Surcharge to Help Homeowners Is Not Dead

A key Connecticut lawmaker says a proposed surcharge on insurance policies to raise money to help homeowners with crumbling foundations is not a dead issue. Senator Cathy Osten, the Democratic Senate chairman of the Appropriations Committee, said Friday “the surcharge …

Connecticut Homeowners Ask Legislature for Assistance on Bad Foundations

Connecticut homeowners said they need additional financial assistance to help with crumbling home foundations that threaten to collapse their houses. Dozens of homeowners arrived in Hartford on Monday to support a bill that proposes every insurance company cover the peril …

Bonding Awarded to Launch Crumbling Foundations Entity in Connecticut

A Connecticut panel has awarded funding to launch a new not-for-profit insurance company that will manage state dollars that will help homeowners with crumbling foundations. The State Bond Commission approved $350,000 Friday in start-up money for the Connecticut Foundations Solutions …

Federal Officials Study Connecticut Crumbling Foundations

Federal officials have visited Connecticut to study the mineral blamed for causing foundations to crumble in thousands of homes. WVIT-TV reports officials with the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers finished a two-day visit to …