cy pres award News

Supreme Court Casts Doubt on $8.5 Million Google Privacy Settlement

The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday put in jeopardy an $8.5 million settlement Google made with users to resolve a class action lawsuit accusing it of violating their privacy by sharing users’ search queries with other websites. The justices, in …

Supreme Court Hears Google Case Where Award Monies Don’t Go to Those Harmed

U.S. Supreme Court justices questioned an $8.5 million Google settlement in a case that could make it harder for companies to resolve class-action lawsuits without providing direct compensation to those affected. The court’s conservative members signaled skepticism toward those types …

Supreme Court to Consider Google Privacy Payments to Third Parties

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday agreed to hear an internet privacy case involving Google that could put the brakes on an increasingly common form of settlement in class action suits that funnels money to unrelated third parties and charities …