cyber breach notification News

HHS Says UnitedHealth Can Notify Patients of Data Breach

U.S. healthcare providers can ask UnitedHealth Group to notify people whose data was exposed during a hack on the company’s Change Healthcare unit in February, according to an update on the health department’s website. The news comes as a relief …

Germany’s Cyber Security Watchdog Urges Yahoo Users to Switch Email Providers

Germany’s cyber security authority, the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), criticized Yahoo on Thursday for failing to adopt adequate encryption techniques to protect its users’ personal data. The BSI also advised German consumers to consider switching to alternatives for …

Yahoo Warns 2nd Hack Exposed 1 Billion Users in Largest Data Breach in History

Yahoo Inc. warned on Wednesday that it had uncovered yet another massive cyber attack, saying data from more than 1 billion user accounts was compromised in August 2013, making it the largest breach in history. The number of affected accounts …

Massive Yahoo Breach Happened 2 Years Ago

Yahoo Inc. said on Thursday that at least 500 million of its accounts were hacked in 2014 by what it believed was a state-sponsored actor, a theft that appeared to be the world’s biggest known cyber breach by far. Cyber …

Virtual Privacy Expert Gives Insurers Privacy Tools for Clients

Data breach software firm ID Experts has partnered with risk management and claims consultant Enquiron to offer the Virtual Privacy Expert, an on-demand website service for insurance carriers looking to provide online privacy tools to their clients in conjunction with …

Beazley Enhances Worldwide Breach Response Services

Beazley has enhanced its Beazley Breach Response (BBR) product to include expanded privacy breach response services and broader coverage The enhancements, which will come standard on all future BBR policies, will also further improve Beazley insureds’ ability to respond to …

Allied World U.S. Launches Coverage for Liability, Expenses of Privacy Breach

Allied World U.S. has launched Privacy//403 SRVS, a Specified Response Vendor Solution (SRVS) policy to provide coverage for liability and expenses associated with the compromise of sensitive information and information systems, in the event of a data breach. The Privacy//403 …

State Laws Provide Leeway For Businesses Reporting Data Breaches

A decade of lawmaking by U.S. states to ensure consumers are told when their data has been hacked still lets companies such as Target Corp. wait weeks or even months to disclose security breaches. Forty-six of 50 U.S. states have …

Kentucky Weighs Cyber Breach Notifcation Law

A bill backed by state Auditor Adam Edelen and a bipartisan group of lawmakers would require state and local government agencies to notify Kentuckians when their personal information is breached. The bill’s backers said the measure has drawn more than …