cyber crime News

Hawaii Cyber Range Launches Anti-Hacking Training

The state of Hawaii has launched a center to train people to defend computer systems from attack. The so-called “cyber range” is a collection of servers and routers in a room on the University of Hawaii’s Manoa campus. The equipment …

Beazley Launches Enhanced Computer Crime Policy

Beazley plc has launched new computer crime and account takeover coverages for financial institutions. The enhanced computer crime policy is designed for the continually evolving services and applications that financial institutions are offering their clients. It also addresses the constantly …

Munich Re Study Focuses on Rising ‘Cyber Crime’

“Cyber attacks are a reality and companies need to prepare themselves,” warns Munich Re in a recently released study – “Cost of Cyber Crime” – conducted by the Ponemon Institute. “Advancements in the IT sector are opening up new applications, …

Hacker Group Not So Anonymous Anymore

The computer hackers, chat room denizens and young people who comprise the loosely affiliated Internet collective known as Anonymous have increasingly turned to questionable tactics, drawing the attention of the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and other federal investigators. …

Lloyd’s Highlights Potential Impact from Cyber Crime, Data Loss

Cyber crime has become a high profile problem for risk managers, heightened as a result of the recent attacks by hackers on Sony. In an article on its web site Lloyd’s notes that risk manager are increasingly concerned “over the …