cyber heist News

Hackers Steal More Than $94M from Japanese Cryptocurrency Exchange

Japanese cryptocurrency exchange Liquid said on Thursday it was hit by hackers in a theft estimated at more than $94 million, the latest crypto platform to be targeted by cyber criminals. “We are sorry to announce that #LiquidGlobal warm wallets …

Cryptocurrency Industry Struggles to Buy Insurance, Hindering Growth Goals

Cryptocurrency exchanges and traders in Asia are struggling to insure themselves against the risk of hacks and theft, a factor they claim is deterring large fund managers from investing in a nascent market yet to be embraced by regulators. Getting …

Cryptocurrency Theft Soars to $927 Million During 1st Nine Months of 2018: Report

Theft of cryptocurrencies through hacking of exchanges and trading platforms soared to $927 million in the first nine months of the year, up nearly 250 percent from the level seen in 2017, according to a report from U.S.-based cyber security …

Stolen Apple IDs Used by Hackers to Steal Cash, Warn Chinese Digital Payments Firms

Ant Financial’s Alipay and Tencent Holdings Ltd. warned that cyber attackers employed stolen Apple IDs to break into customers’ accounts and made off with an unknown amount of cash, in a rare security breach for China’s top digital payments providers. …

North Korean Hackers Tried to Steal $1.1B over 4-Year Period: FireEye Report

A North Korean hacking group focused on financial gain for the rogue state has penetrated banks around the world with a series of ongoing attacks, and has tried to steal at least $1.1 billion over the last four years, according …

UK’s Tesco Bank Slapped with $21.4M Fine for ‘Foreseeable’ Cyber Attack in 2016

Britain’s markets watchdog has fined Tesco 16.4 million pounds ($21.4 million) for failing to protect account holders at its bank from a “foreseeable” cyber attack two years ago. The Financial Conduct Authority said that in November 2016 cyber attackers exploited …

Cyber Criminals Steal $13.5M from India’s Cosmos Bank

Cyber criminals hacked the systems of India’s Cosmos Bank and siphoned off nearly 944 million rupees ($13.5 million) through simultaneous withdrawals across 28 countries over the weekend, the bank has told police. The co-operative bank said unidentified hackers stole customer …

Bank of Chile Hit by $10 Million Cyber Heist Using SWIFT Messaging System

Shares in the Bank of Chile were down on Monday after it confirmed hackers had siphoned off $10 million of its funds, mainly to Hong Kong, though the country’s second-largest commercial bank said no client accounts had been impacted. The …

Mastermind Behind ATM Malware Attacks Arrested in Spain

The mastermind behind malware attacks that programmed ATMs to spit out cash on demand and caused more than 1 billion euros ($1.2 billion) of losses, has been arrested in Spain. The leader of a criminal gang that carried out the …

India Cyber Bank Heist Used ‘Similar’ Methods to $81M Bangladesh Bank Hack

Hackers who tried to steal nearly $2 million from India’s City Union Bank this month used tactics similar to those employed in the unsolved cyber heist of $81 million from Bangladesh’s central bank in 2016, City’s CEO said on Monday. …