cyber insurance sales News

Why 27% of U.S. Firms Have No Plans to Buy Cyber Insurance

A full 50 percent of U.S. firms do not have cyber risk insurance and 27 percent of U.S. executives say their firms have no plans to take out cyber insurance, even though 61 percent of them expect cyber breaches to …

50% of Risk Managers Bought or Increased Cyber Insurance in Last Year: HSB

Fifty percent of U.S. businesses have either purchased cyber insurance for the first time or increased their level of coverage in the last year, according to a survey of risk managers by The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co. …

Biggest Obstacle to Cyber Insurance Sales Is Customer Education

The biggest challenge in selling cyber insurance is educating businesses about the need for cyber coverage, according to a new survey. The survey of insurance professionals found that among carriers offering cyber insurance, 40 percent say businesses don’t think they …