Cyber Risk News

Rockwood Programs Adds Cyber Liability to Coverage Portfolio

Rockwood Programs has added cyber liability to its portfolio of management and professional liability products. The coverage can be attached to an underlying Rockwood account as an endorsement, with a separate sub-limit. Cyber liability can also be purchased on a …

CFC Underwriting Upgrades Cyber Policy

Lloyd’s underwriting agency, CFC has made a major upgrade to its flagship cyber and privacy product policy in order to protect customers against the changing face of cyber crime and react to the constant changes in the legal and regulatory …

U.S. Charges 8 with Cybercrime Against Financial Institutions, Government

Federal prosecutors in New Jersey on Wednesday unveiled criminal charges against eight people accused of trying to steal at least $15 million from U.S. customers in an international cybercrime scheme targeting accounts at 15 financial institutions and government agencies. U.S. …

Silicon Valley At Front Line Of Global Cyber War

Chinese President Xi Jinping and American counterpart Barack Obama will talk cyber-security this week in California, but experts say the state’s Silicon Valley and its signature high-tech firms should provide the front lines in the increasingly aggressive fight against overseas …

New York Regulator Asks Insurers About Readiness for Cyber Threats

New York’s top financial regulator has asked some of the largest U.S. insurance companies to disclose details on their preparedness for cyber attacks, following a similar request to major banks earlier this year.The New York State Department of Financial Services …

Cyber Attacks On Banks More Serious Than Public Realizes

The series of cyber attacks that repeatedly knocked major U.S. banking websites offline in the past nine months has been more powerful than the general public realizes, government officials and security experts told the Reuters Cybersecurity Summit. A self-described activist …

How Banks Will Recover Funds in $45M Cyber Heist

Because the sums were large and such attacks are relatively new, the two Middle East banks hit in a $45 million ATM heist face an uncertain path in trying to recover their losses, financial, insurance and legal experts say. Oman-based …

Study: Utah Health Breach Could Approach $406M

A 2012 security breach that exposed the personal information of 780,000 Utah residents to hackers could cost as much as $406 million, a new study finds. The Salt Lake Tribune reported in the aftermath of the breach, the state already …

Hartford Steam Boiler Launches Cyber Attack Protection for Small Businesses

The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co. (HSB), part of Munich Re, has launched HSB CyberOne, a new cyber risk insurance coverage for small businesses. The new product expands HSB’s suite of products and services designed to protect smaller …

The Risks of Insuring the Cloud

Hollywood would have us believe that some smart, awkward computer guy in his 30s living in his mother’s basement is to blame. Surrounded by a dozen computer screens with an IQ of 150, this cyber character enjoys targeting large companies …