Cyber Risk News

Small Businesses Confront Big Cyber Risks

Larger Firms Tend to Have More Data Security Resources The theft of personal and private data — from credit card information, to Social Security numbers, to health information, is a thriving global crime — and it is fed by data …

It Figures

8,200 At least 8,200 Ohioans complained of identity theft with the Federal Trade Commission in 2008, according to Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray, but only about 40 percent of the victims filed a police report. Cordray says it’s important to …

Small Businesses Confront Big Cyber Risks

Larger Firms Tend to Have More Data Security Resources The theft of personal and private data — from credit card information, to Social Security numbers, to health information, is a thriving global crime — and it is fed by data …

Red Flags, Notification Laws and Hi Tech Act – What Does It All Mean?

Data breaches have hit an all time high and with that have been a dramatic increase in new data security and privacy laws and regulations. Both state and federal regulations have been in place for several years with regards to …

Bar Association Seeks Exemption for Lawyers from Identity Theft Rule

The American Bar Association is seeking to bar the Federal Trade Commission from applying its Red Flags Rule, designed to prevent identity theft, to practicing lawyers. An ABA suit filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia …

Huge Hacking Case Highlights Companies’ Vulnerability to Breaches

Consumers and companies are vulnerable to hackers and identity thieves even after U.S. authorities arrested a man they said was a master hacker who stole 170 million credit and debit card numbers. Estimates on the total financial impact of breaches …

How Changes to Federal and State Law Impact Golf and Country Clubs

Changes to state and federal law over the past few years may prove to be no gimme for golf and country clubs. In fact, since many club owners and managers are unaware of the potential impact of these laws, a …

Bar Association Seeks Exemption for Lawyers from Identity Theft Rule

The American Bar Association is seeking to bar the Federal Trade Commission from applying its Red Flags Rule, designed to prevent identity theft, to practicing lawyers. An ABA suit filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia …

Lloyd’s Explores Terrorism/Internet Threats

Politico-social trends are rarely static; they evolve over time. Terrorism is no exception. An article on the Lloyd’s of London web site ( notes that “today’s extremists are just as intent on causing headline grabbing death and destruction – but …

Huge Hacking Case Highlights Companies’ Vulnerability to Breaches

Consumers and companies are vulnerable to hackers and identity thieves even after U.S. authorities arrested a man they said was a master hacker who stole 170 million credit and debit card numbers. Estimates on the total financial impact of breaches …