cyber risks News

Cyber Breaches Permanently Hit Share Prices, Especially Financials: Study

Cyber security breaches erode companies’ share prices permanently, with financials the worst hit, a study issued by IT consultant CGI and Oxford Economics has found. Severe cyber security breaches, such as those having legal or regulatory consequences, involve the loss …

Willis Towers Watson Launches Cyber Aviation Cover with AIG Collaboration

Willis Towers Watson has introduced CyFly, an insurance solution specifically tailored to cover cyber exposure affecting the airline industry. The recent Willis Towers Watson Industry Risk Index identified failure of critical IT systems as the most significant risk facing the …

Driver Privacy at Risk when Telematics Data Stored in the Cloud: Researchers

Drivers’ private information can be compromised when stored in the cloud for usage-based insurance (UBI) programs, according to researchers. Using connected-device, or telematics, functions in vehicles, UBI programs determine a consumer’s or fleet’s insurance premium rate by considering several driving …

International, Large-Scale Cyber Attack Uncovered by Cyber Security Watchdogs

A large-scale cyber attack from a group targeting organizations in Japan, the United States, Sweden and many other European countries through IT services providers has been uncovered, the Swedish computer security watchdog said on Wednesday. The cyber attack, uncovered through …

New Digital Evidence Emerges of N. Korea Connection to Bangladesh Bank Heist

Cyber security firm Kaspersky Lab on Monday said it had obtained digital evidence that bolsters suspicions by some researchers that North Korea was involved in last year’s $81 million cyber heist of the Bangladesh central bank’s account at the Federal …

CFC Underwriting Upgrades Global Cyber Product

Specialist lines underwriting agency, CFC Underwriting, has launched a revamped and upgraded cyber insurance product for global markets. The new look product provides includes the provision of first party cover on an “each and every claim” basis, said CFC Underwriting, …

Heist of $81M from Bangladesh Bank Blamed on ‘State-Sponsored Attack’

The heist of $81 million from the Bangladesh central bank’s account at the New York Federal Reserve last year was “state-sponsored,” an FBI officer in the Philippines, who has been involved in the investigations, said on Wednesday. Lamont Siller, the …

Lloyd’s MGA, CFC Underwriting, Launches Cyber Incident Response App

CFC Underwriting, the London-based specialist lines underwriting agency, announced the launch of a new cyber incident response application. The app allows policyholders to notify a claim with a click of a button and receive specialist support from CFC’s global cyber …

Confusing, Costly Cyber Policies Create Obstacles to Market Growth: Deloitte

Despite the rising profile of cyber risks, buyers have failed to widely embrace cyber coverage. At the same time, insurers generally have remained cautious about writing the coverage on a large scale basis. A recent report published by accounting and …

Level of Cyber Risk Management for Many Firms Is ‘Unsustainable’: Swiss Re

Despite increased awareness of rapidly evolving cyber threats, relatively few corporations have integrated cyber security into their mainstream risk management programs – a situation that is “unsustainable,” according to Swiss Re’s latest “sigma” report. The costs of cyber attacks have …