cyber rules News

So You Comply with New York Reg. 500: Now What?

In March of 2017, the New York Department of Financial Services (DFS) implemented 23 NYCRR ยง500 (NY Reg. 500). In doing so, it became the first state regulatory authority to impose regulations that address cybersecurity concerns applicable to insurance-related entities …

N.Y. Cyber Reg: A Third-Party Service Provider Compliance Framework

This writing presents a framework that if adopted by insurance agencies and carriers could simplify and minimize the cost of complying with the New York Department of Finance Regulation 23 NYCRR Section 500.11 “Third-Party Service Provider Security” while simultaneously deploying …

The Hits Keep Coming: More Transitional Cybersecurity Requirements in New York

It has been more than a year and a half since the New York Department of Financial Services cybersecurity regulations (cyber rules) came into effect, and yet another compliance deadline has passed. Broadly, “covered entities,” which means you if you …

The New York DFS Wants Certificates of Compliance for Valentine’s Day

What were you planning to give the New York Department of Financial Services for Valentine’s Day? Hopefully, a certificate of compliance. It is hard to believe that almost a year has passed since the NYDFS cybersecurity regulations (Cyber Rules) became …

First Steps Under New York’s Cyber Rules: Risk Assessment, Policies, Procedures

The Cybersecurity Requirements for Financial Services Companies (cyber rules) promulgated by the New York Department of Financial Services went into effect on March 1. Now, insurance companies, agencies, brokerages and producers (insurance professionals) doing business in New York, even those …

New York’s Cybersecurity Rules: What Insurance Professionals Should Know

The New York Department of Financial Services (DFS) has issued cybersecurity requirements for financial services companies (cyber rules) that went into effect March 1. The cyber rules, codified at 23 NYCRR ยง500, require insurance and insurance-related companies as well as …

New York State Finalizes First-in-Nation Cyber Security Regulation

New York state announced a final cyber security regulation on Thursday with mandatory standards for banks and insurers to combat the ever-increasing risk of cyber attacks. The regulation, which takes effect March 1, follows a series of high-profile data breaches …