Cyber Safety Review Board News

Microsoft Faulted for ‘Inadequate’ Cyber Practices in US Report

A Chinese-state intrusion last year of Microsoft Corp. technology that enabled hackers to gather US officials’ emails “should never have occurred,” according to a report released Tuesday from a government cyber review board. The Cyber Safety Review Board, a White …

Microsoft’s Role in Email Breach to Be Part of Cyber Inquiry

A US cybersecurity advisory panel will investigate malicious targeting of cloud computing environments, including Microsoft Corp.’s role in a recent breach of government officials’ email accounts by suspected Chinese hackers, the Department of Homeland Security confirmed on Friday. The review …

Log4j Software Flaw ‘Endemic,’ New Cyber Safety Panel Says

A computer vulnerability discovered last year in a ubiquitous piece of software is an “endemic” problem that will pose security risks for potentially a decade or more, according to a new cybersecurity panel created by President Joe Biden. The Cyber …

Biden Administration Hit for Delay in Creating New Cybersecurity Board

It’s a key part of President Joe Biden’s plans to fight major ransomware attacks and digital espionage campaigns: creating a board of experts that would investigate major incidents to see what went wrong and try to prevent the problems from …