cyber security News

Major Travel Booking Systems Vulnerable to Hackers: Researchers

Major travel booking systems lack a proper way to authenticate air travelers, making it easy to hack the short code used on many boarding passes to alter flight details or steal sensitive personal data, security researchers warned on Tuesday. Passenger …

New Mexico Farming Firm Expected to Lose $4M over Breach

A breach earlier this year in the water delivery system that serves Navajo Agricultural Products Industry is expected to end up costing the tribal business in New Mexico more than $4 million in lost revenue. The Daily Times reported the …

Data Breaches of Internet Giants & Online Services Pose Major 2017 Cyber Threats

Potential leaks of personal user data collected by internet giants and online services will be one of the major cyber-security threats of 2017, according to computer safety company Kaspersky Lab. “Users have de facto become hostages as today they can’t …

Emerging Risks/Markets Offer New Opportunities: 2017 Predictions, Part 3

Insurers and reinsurers continue to look for organic growth where they can find it – sometimes from emerging risks and sometimes from emerging markets. As always, the keys to success are market knowledge and patience. Providing a heads-up for such …

Los Angeles County Email Hack Exposes Data of 750K people

Officials say a Nigerian national has been charged in connection with a hack of Los Angeles County emails that might have exposed personal data from more than 750,000 people who had business with county departments. The district attorney’s office says …

Yahoo’s Cyber Breach Adds to Age of Hacker Anxiety

Sunnyvale, Calif.-based Yahoo has become the worst-case example of an unnerving but increasingly common phenomenon – massive hacks that steal secrets and other potentially revealing information from our personal digital accounts, or from big organizations that hold sensitive data on …

Turkey’s Akbank Faces Possible $4M Liability After Cyber Attack – But It’s Insured

Hackers targeted Turkish lender Akbank in a cyber attack on the SWIFT global money transfer system, the bank said, adding it faced a liability of up to $4 million from the incident but no customer information was compromised. It was …

SWIFT Official Warns Banks of Escalating, More Sophisticated Cyber Threats

Cyber attacks targeting the global bank transfer system have succeeded in stealing funds since February’s heist of $81 million from the Bangladesh central bank as hackers have become more sophisticated in their tactics, according to a SWIFT official and a …

Some Bangladesh Bank Insiders Helped Hackers Steal $81M: Investigator

Some Bangladesh central bank officials deliberately exposed its computer systems and enabled hackers to steal $81 million from its account at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in February, a top police investigator in Dhaka told Reuters on Monday. …

Bangladesh Investigators Blame Negligence of Bank Insiders for $81M Cyber Heist

A Bangladesh government-appointed panel investigating the cyber-heist of $81 million from its central bank in February found five officials at the bank were guilty of negligence and carelessness, the head of the panel told Reuters on Thursday. In his first …