cyber security News

Hackers in Bangladesh Bank Cyber Heist Pocketed About $70M; NY Fed Criticized

Hackers are likely to get away with about $70 million of Bangladesh’s foreign reserves after a brazen cyber-attack against the South Asian nation, according to Finance Minister Abul Maal Abdul Muhith. The Philippines — where most of the funds ended …

Bangladesh Bank Cyber-Heist Hackers Exploited Vulnerabilities in SWIFT Software

The attackers who stole $81 million from the Bangladesh central bank probably hacked into software from the SWIFT financial platform that is at the heart of the global financial system, said security researchers at British defense contractor BAE Systems. SWIFT, …

Bangladeshi Investigators Identify 20 Foreign Suspects in Cyber Bank Heist

Bangladeshi investigators have identified 20 foreigners – 12 Philippine nationals and eight Sri Lankans – suspected to have been involved in the cyber heist of tens of millions of dollars from its central bank, a police officer said on Monday. …

Bangladesh Hack Opens Door to Attacks on Financial Institutions: Cyber Expert

The founder of cyber-security firm Kaspersky Lab expects more attacks on financial targets after hackers recently stole funds from Bangladesh’s central bank and moved the Russian ruble’s exchange rate. “Criminal innovations that we see in some parts of the world …

BAE Uses Cyber Skills Developed in British Intelligence Services to Help Clients

In January, BAE Systems Plc got a routine call from a new client: The health-care company’s computer systems were mysteriously crashing. BAE’s sleuths soon discovered a dangerous new strain of a virus called Qbot. Using skills honed via years of …

Cyber Criminals Reap Billions of Dollars via Email Scams Across the Globe

Businesses have lost billions of dollars to fast-growing scams where fraudsters impersonate company executives in emails that order staff to transfer to accounts controlled by criminals, according to the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Losses from these scams, which are …

Islamic Militants Could Target Nuclear Industry, Security Experts Warn

Meter-thick concrete walls and 1950s-style analog control rooms help protect nuclear plants from bomb attacks and computer hackers, but Islamist militants are turning their attention to the atomic industry’s weak spots, security experts say. Concerns about nuclear terrorism rose after …

Hospital in Iowa City Reports Patient Information Breach

An Iowa City hospital is warning patients that some of their personal information may have been accessed through a computer virus. The Iowa City Press-Citizen reports an investigation revealed that a computer virus that is designed to capture personal data …

Re/Insurers Must Respond to Evolving Terrorist Risk with Relevant Products: JLT

The re/insurance industry is failing to respond to the growing global terrorist threat with products that meet the needs of their clients, according to a report published by JLT Re and JLT Specialty Ltd. Indeed, evidence that insurance has absorbed …

Bangladesh Launches Cyber Heist Probe; Cash Packed into Manila Banker’s Car

Bangladesh police launched a criminal investigation on Thursday into the cyber theft of $81 million from the central bank’s U.S. account but said it was too early to pinpoint any suspects. The money was transferred to accounts in the Philippines, …