cyber security News

Russian Hackers Moved Ruble-Dollar Rate at Regional Bank: Cyber-Security Firm

Hackers used malware to penetrate the defenses of a Russian regional bank and move the ruble-dollar rate more than 15 percent in minutes, according to a Moscow-based cyber-security firm hired to investigate the attack. Russian-language hackers deployed a virus known …

Russia Cracks Down on Financial Hacking Ring, Raiding Moscow Office: Sources

Russian authorities in November raided offices associated with a Moscow film distribution and production company as part of a crackdown on one of the world’s most notorious financial hacking operations, according to three sources with knowledge of the matter. Cyber …

Cyber Attack on Britain’s TalkTalk Telecom Cost $115M and 101,000 Customers

A cyber attack on Britain’s TalkTalk Telecom Group in October cost the company as much as 80 million pounds ($115 million) but fewer customers than feared opted to end their subscriptions. Chief Executive Dido Harding went on television and radio …

UK Firms ‘Can’t Afford to Ignore’ Cyber Risks, One of Top Business Threats: PwC

UK companies and institutions remain vulnerable to cyber attacks despite the fact that many CEOs now rank cyber as one of the top threats to their businesses, warns PwC’s Cyber Security practice. Almost three-quarters (74%) of chief executive officers in …

U.S. Utilities Examine Their Insurance Protection After Ukraine Grid Cyber Attack

U.S. utilities are looking hard at their cyber vulnerabilities and whether they can get insurance to cover what could be a multi-billion dollar loss after hackers cut electric power to more than 80,000 Ukrainians last month. The Dec. 23 incident …

‘Smart’ Appliances, Ventilation Systems Are New Hacker Targets: Cyber Experts

Hijacking “smart” toasters and refrigerators and hacking corporate ventilation systems are among the new threats envisioned by cyber security experts as an increasing array of items are connected to the internet. The Internet of Things, a movement that seeks to …

Firms Look at New Tools Designed to Foil Hackers as Firewalls Prove Inadequate

With firewalls no longer seen as enough of a defense against security breaches, companies are looking at new tools to foil hackers trying to enter a computer network. U.S. and Israeli startups are leading the way, with new approaches such …

Marsh Launches Global Excess Cyber Risk Facility Called ‘Cyber ECHO’

Marsh has launched “Cyber ECHO”, a global excess cyber risk facility that provides more reliable insurance coverage for organizations around the world. Following a series of high-profile cyber losses, underwriters have become more selective and may actually reduce the amount …

Israel Emerges as Leader in Developing Cyber Defenses for Cars

Building on its expertise in technology, Israel is emerging as a leader in the race to keep cars secure and prevent the nightmare scenario of a hacker commandeering your vehicle. Most cars today are equipped with some level of connectivity …

Hackers Caused Ukraine Outage with Malware & Remote Power Cut: Report

Hackers likely caused a Dec. 23 electricity outage in Ukraine by remotely switching breakers to cut power, after installing malware to prevent technicians from detecting the attack, according to a report analyzing how the incident unfolded. The report from Washington-based …