cyber security News

Marsh: Many Firms Fail to Assess Cyber Threats From Business Partners

Many UK firms are failing to adequately assess their customers and trading partners for cyber risk, and are more vulnerable to cyber attacks themselves as a result, according to a study published by Marsh. Marsh’s Cyber Risk Survey Report found …

Barbican Underwriter Elected Chair of Lloyd’s Market Association Cyber Group

Geoff White, underwriting manager for Cyber, Technology and Media at Barbican Insurance Group, has been elected chairman of the Lloyd’s Market Association’s (LMA) newly created Cyber Business Panel. White was elected by the members of the panel on June 5. …

Where Cyber Insurance Underwriting Stands Today

“You would think the first question to ask would be: Do insured parties understand the elements and limitations of coverage?” said Kevin Kalinich, speaking on cyber risk. “The real first question is: Do the insurance companies understand?” Kalinich, global practice …

Cyber Security – ‘a Fast Growing Emerging Risk’ for Companies – S&P Reports

“For corporate borrowers, as well as Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services’ assessment of credit quality, cyber risk is a growing source of concern, given the increasing frequency of reported incidents,” says a new analysis report from S&P – “Cyber Risk …

Israel’s Illusive Networks Aims to Foil Hackers by Directing Them to Fake Data

Israeli start-up Illusive Networks says it can foil cyber hackers by lulling them into thinking they have found a way to steal data, which is actually fake. The company, set up last year, says algorithms in its software are able …

Texas-Based Sally Beauty Reports Unusual Payment Card Activity

Texas-based Sally Beauty said that it is investigating reports of unusual activity on payment cards used at some of its U.S. stores. The beauty products seller said that it is working with law enforcement and its credit card processor. It’s …

Hackers, Spies Hired to Fight Cyber Attacks

It’s a seller’s market for the cyber war’s special forces. Just ask Scott Davies, 30, who left a career snooping on Australia’s enemies in December for a similar gig at FireEye Inc. Or Brian Varner, 35, who swapped a job …

UK Regulator to Review Insurers’ Use of Big Data and Dark Pool Risks

Conflicts of interest in dark pools and how insurers use big data are two of the main areas the U.K. Financial Conduct Authority will look into over the next year, the regulator said in its annual business plan. The FCA …

UK Report Highlights Role of Insurance in Managing, Mitigating Cyber Risk

Last year 81 percent of large UK businesses and 60 percent of small companies suffered a cyber security breach. In response to this increasing threat, a report published by the UK government and Marsh, one of the UK’s leading insurance …

Willis Expert: Aviation Industry is Under-Prepared to Deal with Cyber Risks

The aviation industry is behind the curve in terms of its response and readiness to the insidious threat posed by cyber criminality whether from criminals, terrorists, nation states or hackers, according to Peter Armstrong, head of Cyber Strategy for Willis …