cyber underwriting News

Rating Agency Warns P/C Insurers on Taking On Too Much Cyber Risk

If they are not careful, property/casualty insurers could jeopardize their credit ratings with their expansion into standalone cyber insurance, a rating agency has warned. Cyber attacks pose dangerous risks and uncertainty within many industries and thus “aggressive expansion” by insurers …

Cyber Insurance Underwriting Moves from ‘Toddler’ to ‘Teen’ As Insurers Learn from Claims

Given the fact that the insurance industry paid out more than $400 million in highly publicized cyber liability insurance claims in 2014 alone, one might think that insurers would be shying away from the line. But one would be wrong, …

Where Cyber Insurance Underwriting Stands Today

“You would think the first question to ask would be: Do insured parties understand the elements and limitations of coverage?” said Kevin Kalinich, speaking on cyber risk. “The real first question is: Do the insurance companies understand?” Kalinich, global practice …