cybersecurity News

Why Near-Miss Cyberattack Put US Officials and Tech Industry on Edge

German software developer Andres Freund was running some detailed performance tests last month when he noticed odd behavior in a little-known program. What he found when he investigated has sent shudders across the software world and drawn attention from tech …

Microsoft Faulted for ‘Inadequate’ Cyber Practices in US Report

A Chinese-state intrusion last year of Microsoft Corp. technology that enabled hackers to gather US officials’ emails “should never have occurred,” according to a report released Tuesday from a government cyber review board. The Cyber Safety Review Board, a White …

How Do Insurers Define Systemic Cyber Risk?

Systemic cyber risk is being discussed as a growing concern for insurers as technology advances and interconnectivity increases, but how is this risk defined? That may be one of its gray areas. “As you go through different owners of risk …

Clorox Audit Revealed Cybersecurity Flaws at Its Plants in 2020

A few years before a 2023 cyberattack disrupted manufacturing at one of the largest US producers of disinfectants ahead of flu season, an audit warned of systemic cybersecurity flaws within the company’s production systems. Among the shortcomings highlighted by the …

SEC Ramps Up Massive-Hack Probe With Focus on Tech, Telecom Companies

The US Securities and Exchange Commission is asking tech and telecom companies how they handled the sprawling 2020 SolarWinds cyberattack, and drawing fire from the cybersecurity industry and big business for what they call overreach. The SEC, which sought the …

Possibility of a Billion-Dollar Systemic Cyber Event ‘Is Real’

A systemic event and the threat it could pose to insurers’ portfolios is not the million dollar question, but perhaps the billion dollar question, according to Norman Niami, immediate past chairperson and member of The American Academy of Actuaries. “It’s …

Chief Risk Officers Say Cybersecurity Most Pressing Risk: Survey

In an inaugural EY/Institute of International Finance (IIF) global insurance risk management survey, cybersecurity was ranked as the highest concern for chief risk officers. CROs surveyed said the top five risk types or risk management types for the coming year …

Hackers Roil Entire Industries With Attacks on IT Supply Chain

Across Paraguay, hackers knocked out online services provided by the foreign ministry and companies. In Sweden, they crippled the payroll and human resources systems of more than 100 government bodies, including the central bank and parliament, as well as hospitals, …

Italy’s Data Watchdog Probes Open AI Tool That Turns Text Into Video

Italy’s data protection agency said on Friday it had opened an investigation into a service developed by Microsoft-backed Open AI that can generate videos based on text prompts. The regulator, known as Garante, asked Open AI to clarify whether the …

Change Healthcare Cyberattack Is Still Disrupting Pharmacies, Other Providers

A cyberattack that has disrupted Change Healthcare’s computer networks for nearly a week is creating a growing administrative problem for pharmacies and health-care providers around the nation. Change Healthcare, a division of UnitedHealth Group Inc., processes insurance claims and pharmacy …